Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Spring Break 2012 (another long blog)

This was our 1st Spring Break since Josiah started kindergarten this year, and I decided to make the most out of it.  Every single day, except one day, we had something planned to do.  This will probably end up being one of those long posts, but since I usually only blog once a week, I have a lot to talk about!

Monday afternoon after Titus's speech therapy we headed out for lunch at our favorite local mexican restaraunt.
Amelia comes alive at this restaraunt.  I craved Mexican food while I was pregant and she loves it.

After lunch we were officially on a road trip.  Just me and the kids were headed to spend a few days with their mamaw, papaw, and lot's of cousins.  It was a little over 2 hour drive, but we made it with only 1 bathroom stop.


First thing we had planned was an Easter egg hunt with all their cousins at a local park. Sorry, I have those pictures on an actual camera and not on my phone which is all I have with me right now.  They played for a couple hours at the park and then we went to eat at Texas Roadhouse for supper.  (Remember, it's my favorite restaraunt!)  Kids eat for only .99 cents on Monday Night! yay!!!!  So after supper my nephew Cameron decided he wanted to spend the night with us at Mamaw's.  Cameron is a few years older than my boys, but they played so good together and it was just one of those fun cousin nights at Mamaw and Papaw's house.  I have lots of those kinds of memories, so I hope they will too. 

Saturday morning we were invited over to my sister Christy's house to bring the kids over to play and for lunch.  That ended up being lots of fun too. 

Mamaw's dog, Tanner jumped in our van and refused to get out, so he got to ride along with us to Aunt Christy's house.  Titus, Cameron, and Josiah are all smiles to have a dog in the van.

Tree horse rides, how fun!

After a fancy lunch of Dinosaur chicken nuggets it was time for us to meet up with our other cousins at a fun place called Blazers.  Expensive, but fun.  So thankful for that discounted group rate, Angela!!!  Blazers is kind of like our local inflatable bounce house, but it has arcade games, putt-putt golf, rock climbing, and roller skating.  How fun does that sound?  You pay admission and stay as long as you like.

It's so hard to get a good picture of Titus because he is never still very long!

I think Josiah needed to catch his breath a little on this one!

They had an area marked off for little people.  I would love to tell you that, that is where Amelia stayed and played, but that wasn't the case.  She thought she could do anything her brothers did.

The last hole keeps your ball. Guess who didn't go in order? lol 

After several hours at Blazers, we left and went to Mr. Gattis because, why? Duh, it's kid's day there on Tuesday nights.  Kids eat for $1.99 and 2 and under are free!! yay, again!!! I'm all about getting a good deal!  After supper we made a quick trick to walmart.  Ok, I realized you didn't need to know that.  I could have said, "We went straight home because, we had to get up early the next morning."  But that's not what happened.  We had to go to Walmart then home.  I just wanted you to know that, ok? ha 
Now the kids are back at mamaw's and in the bath-tub and in bed.  We have to be up by 6:45 Wednesday morning because we were invited to go on the homeschool field trip to the Kentucky Horsepark in Lexington.  Which happens to be on our way back home so we had to get ready and pack the van back up and meet the group at 8:15. 
What a great time we had.  My kids loved everything about it!

.25 Horse rides.  More like bucking broncos to me!

This horse was a little slower or maybe about broken.  Just right for Amelia!

Lunch Break. (see, the walmart trip was an important detail, we had to have a picnic)

It was so cold.  We had to borrow jackets.

Around 4 o'clock we headed back to the house.  My kids were in despair that our trip was over and we had to go back home.  We met Maynard out for supper at our local roadhouse during happy hour where appetizers are half price.  And again, Amy strikes cheap again. lol  I was so happy to see Maynard.  This was the longest I had ever been away from him.  But, he got so much work done while I was gone.  He replaced my kitchen sink and faucet, replaced bathroom sink and vanity, and got our septic tank fixed finally.  Believe me, the septic tank thing is a blog all in its self, but I will spare you the details.  When, I first walked in the house every dish I owned was in my kitchen floor.  He just ran out of time and needed another day at least! ha! anyways, we got it all put back away, and I was tickled to death with all his hard work.  I was out playing and having a great time while he worked so hard.  I guess it was easier to get some work done without little people under your feet and a "big" people telling you how to do it! ha!!!

So, we had a few days around the house and the kids played outside all day long in the dirt.  Because, no, we have no grass now.  It is all dirt, and my kids couldn't be happier.  We need to get the yard leveled and plant some grass seed.  There's no need to mow anytime soon though!

Saturday morning Josiah asked Maynard to do something fun with them since he had to work all week and hadn't got to do anything with them.  So after a few questions from Maynard like, "What in the world is considered "fun"?  I threw up the idea of maybe goint to Stearns, KY to go on a 3 hr train ride.  So that's what we did and had an absolute blast.  Don't you just love spur of the moment trips?

If anyone needs something to do one weekend, I recommend this train ride.  Yeah the train is old, but the scenery is nice and it was just an enjoyable trip!

Well, this leaves Sunday! You would think we would go to Sunday School and then lunch and back to bed, right? Nope, spring break wasn't over just yet.  We ate a quick lunch at Steak n Shake (kids eat free on weekends, lol) and headed to Cumberland Falls with my friend and her kiddos.  It was a gorgeous day to be at the falls.

And so you know, this picture was taken right after Amelia ran into me with her stroller.  I tripped and my skirt was caught in the wheel.  I fell onto the stroller and the stroller fell on top of Amelia.  Not a pretty sight, I'm here to tell you.  Amelia had a big knot on her head, but she was more mad than hurt.  I just hurt my pride a little bit!

 Do you really think we needed these chocolate ice-cream cones? yum-yum
Here's our happy crew.
A little rock climbing.

So, sorry guys this was such a long blog, but we had a busy spring break and wanted to share!  Things are slowing down a bit, so I have no idea on what to blog about next week.  Hopefully, Titus don't help me come up with anything!!!!!


  1. Wow! You make me tired just reading it. But, um, well, my week was just as exhausting. One question....does Christy make everyone wear a helmet when riding the horse swing or was that your idea? I could definitely see Kenny making our kids wear a helmet on it much to their dismay!

  2. Helmets on the horse swing?! Oh my goodness, does she do helmets on regular swings, and knee pads for slides too? SHe would die cause all 3 of my boys own dirt bikes... she would be freaking out with bubble wrap! Haha! :)

    I have to admitt, I was exhausted reading this... I was thinking, PLEASE tell us when you went to sleep because adding in that extra trip to walmart really just set me into insanity! HAHAH!

  3. Looks like y'all had a great spring break!! Happy for ya!!

  4. Such a fun (and busy) Spring break!!! :) Family time is the best!

  5. Yes, live and learn! Last year this was a rule Michael came up with, and it was smart thinking! I kinda forgot this spring and Kamden had to pay for that mistake, unfortunately. I was swinging him on the horse swing about a week b4 Amy came over and he flew off of it into mid air flipping a complete circle. All I could do was cry out, "Jesus!" It was like slow motion I could do nothing, he was on the ground b4 I could get to him. He got a goose egg on his head out of it, but it could have been much worse. Only a few inches away was a partially buried brick in the ground that he could have easily hit his head out.( That has been since removed) anyway, I am thankful that God was watching over him. So yeah, I am a safety fanatic. No,Angie T. Kamden will not be on your motorcycle anytime soon,ha! Unless I could wrap him in bubble wrap maybe,lol. So, if you want a ride on the horse swing I have helmets! :)

  6. Sounds like a great week! I love the train ride in Stearns. My kids are begging to go back. It's next on our agenda. :)

  7. They's angels camped around that horse swing...
