Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Wedding Bells

Welcome Jacob Cody Harper!

I really thought he was my baby!

I was 14 when he was born and was crazy about him.  We would have races off the school bus to see who got to hold him first.

See, even when he was 4 he still loved me.

Here he is getting ready for my wedding.

He is not happy about having this little girl holding onto his arm, even if she was his cousin.

Doesn't he look alot happier here with Jonelle on his arm?

Yep, my baby brother just got married this weekend.  I have never cried at a wedding, but this was my first.  As soon as I walked in and seen him standing in the back all dressed up in his tux, I was choked up.  I mean he didn't even need our help.  He was all grown up and there wasn't nothing I could do about it.  Don't get me wrong.  I am so happy for him and Jonelle.  I just feel a little sad that he's not a kid anymore.  When I got married he was only 4 yrs old.  I took him everywhere with me.  After I got married though, I moved 2 1/2 hours away.  I wasn't homesick at all.  I was happily married and had started a new job.  Everything was great until my Mom called me one day at work about 3 weeks later.  She told me that Jacob had asked her when I was coming back from my honeymoon.  It was then that I realized he didn't know I wasn't coming back.  He thought I was on a vacation and would be back.  My heart was broken into a gazillion peices.  After that, I was homesick!!!!

I also can't help be a little jealous that he and his new wife just flew out to go on a cruise somewhere in Mexico, I think.  I mean good grief, all the rest of us went to Gatlinburg, Tn.  Ha!  They work hard though.  He works at the hospital in ER and goes to college full-time and Jonelle works as a loan processor at the bank.  So they've worked hard and deserve a nice Honeymoon.  I'm just a little jealous, that's all! Ha!

Congratulations, baby brother! I hope you and Jonelle are very happy together for many years!

Your big sister


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Beautiful post! It's unreal that our baby brother is married! I was old enough to be his mother when he was born so at the wedding I felt like I was the mother of the groom having to sit on the sidelines. I think all of his big sisters felt that way. I'm glad he's so happy!

    1. I can't even begin to imagine how mom feels.

  3. Hey! We honeymooned in Gatlinburg too! Nothing wrong with that seeing as how we thought we wouldn't even be able to go on a honeymoon! Lol!

    1. As high as everything in G-burg costs now its probably cheaper to go on a cruise in Mexico. Or maybe my last trip to G-burg done me in when Josiah threw up on the people behind us at Dixie Stampede. I just have no desire to go back. But if my hubby surprised me with a trip for only me and him, don't doubt a second I wouldn't go.

  4. Yep, just when I thought I was over being emotional about him getting married you had to bring it back up again! I cant believe I still tear up just reading about

    1. Don't you think they should have been home by now? I will feel much better when I know they are back safe and sound.

  5. Love the post! Nice looking couple! Makes me sappy!!

  6. We went to Gatlinburg for our Honeymoon and now as we approach our 10 year anniversary, it looks as thought that's all we will be able to afford again.
