Wednesday, July 18, 2012

We Love VBS!

Where our church is so small we didn't have bible school this year. I think it's important to keep your kids involved in as many activities as you can, especially in the holiness movement. The reason why I say that is because we choose to keep our kids as sheltered as much as possible. So it seems there isn't as much for them to do. I always heard for everything we take away from our children should be replaced with something positive. For example let's say my kids asked me if they could go to the fair and I said no. I would need to replace that with something positive like, "We don't agree with everything that goes on at the fair, but how about I take you to the Magic Show at the library and then maybe to the park afterwards." This was actually something that Sis. Debbie Roberts had taught about parenting. It makes sense to me though. I don't want my kids to be raised with always being told no you can't do this and you can't go there. They don't understand all the reasoning behind it no matter how wellwell you explain why not. That's why I try to keep my kids busy in activities so they don't feel like they are missing out. I wish we had more kids at church because that would be alot of fun doing alot of activities with them. But since we don't, I do what I can. We are faithful to our library. My kids have their classes with stories and crafts. They also have different shows like puppets, plays, animal shows, and more. So anyway, getting back to my subject, we were invited to vbs this year at a local church. They believe a little different than us, but I knew they would be taught from the Bible. My kids enjoyed Bible school so much. As soon as we woke up every morning my kids would start asking if it was time for Bible school yet. Even Amelia enjoyed herself. She sat on the front row with her class and even went down the steps with them to her class. I would love to tell you that that is where she stayed, but she was a roamer and walked around checking things out. Occasionally, she was brought back to me (per her request). She couldn't wait for the puppets. That was her favorite part. Titus decided he didn't like being in the baby class. Even though he was 4, he just didn't fit in right in that class so the 2nd night he snuck to Josiah's class. They let him stay there the rest of the week so I guess he behaved. Josiah enjoyed the contest between the girls and boys during the offereing. He was counting his money out at home way before it was even time to leave for VBS. He enjoyed the crafts alot too. He was excited to get to be with his friends Micah and Zackery too. Josiah is my social kid. He takes that after his dad. Me and the other 2 would be just fine living under a rock somewhere as long as we didn't have to talk to strangers or people we didn't know very well. Ha! I remember when Josiah was 3 he grabbed a kid by the arm and said, "You will be my friend, you hear me." Ha That is where he takes after Maynard. Anyway, Friday night was the last night. They had a giant waterslide made for the kids. They had a blast. I didn't get any pics of the slide because I was too busy trying to keep Amelia off of it. She kept cutting line and it would take her forever to go down. It wasn't fair to the other kids so I made her get off and go change. And that dear friend, is when things got bad. My precious darling, baby girl threw such a fit I was humiliated. I wanted to leave right then, but it wasn't fair to my boys so I let them play longer while I held her in the "sleephold" for an hour. VBS brings back so many good childhood memories. One that stands out for me is painting ceremic praying hands and then having our snack, red koolaide and cookies. Ha! yep, food is usually always included in my memories. Good grief, we used to get snacks. Now adays its actual meals or sack lunches every night. That's so unfair. Ha Ha Poor Maynard! I didn't cook supper, but only one time last week. My kids were getting fed at VBS so we ate peanut butter and jelly or cereal every night. Enjoy some pictures.
Amelia halfway sitting in her desk.
Titus's first night in the "baby" class.  Can you tell he's not happy? Ha!
Spending friend time with an old buddy, Zackery.  They got to spend a week together at bible school too.

1 comment:

  1. I like VBS too, but couldn't find one around here that wasn't in the evenings. I prefer taking them during the day when they are bored. Instead of VBS this year we had a 3 night revival for the children of the church. It was awesome. I think there were 6 kids ages 5-8 years old that were saved! I'd take that over crafts anyday, we got free pizza after service one night. :)
