Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Operation Potty Training COMPLETE

Yay!  All it took was a tube of chapstick and a little purse from the Dollar Store.  I was desparate and nothing I tried was working.  I mentioned our mere dilema to my good friend Michelle at church and she said, "Hang on.  Amelia, come here.  Amelia, if you poo poo in the potty tomorow I will give you your very own chapstick and a purse to keep it in."  Amelia has this love/hate relationship with Michelle.  The love part comes in when Michelle has her chapstick handy during church.  They have came to an agreement where Amelia has to kiss her and then she gets to use her chapstick.  So the very next morning I reminded Amelia about Michelle promising her chapstick and a purse if she poo'd in the potty.  Amelia's response?  "You have chapstick in your purse and I already have a purse."  So, I knew that this was probably not going to be a successful day, but I was wrong.  I read online somewhere that some kids just need their privacy while trying to use the potty.  So, I caught her trying to poo in her underwear in the living room and I jerked her up and took her to the bathroom.  I again reminded her that she would get her own chapstick if she poo'd in the potty.  So, I said I was going to shut the door and wait outside for her to finish.  Just a few mins later I heard, "I pooped, Mom."  What a glorious and grand thing I had hoped to hear.  Ha Ha!!!  So, I text'd Michelle and told her she had to pay up.  That evening Amelia was toting her new purse and chapstick quite proudly.  It looked like she had bacon grease on her lips all day.  We only had one accident since then and that was because she was in the van waiting with her Daddy for me to come out of the store.  It's been 1 week and half and she is OFFICIALLY POTTY TRAINED!!!  It took 6 long agonizing weeks, but I didn't give up and we were successful!  Leave a comment congratulating the big girl. You know, I just realized that this is the first time in 7 years that I don't have a baby in diapers.  Wow!  Oh, I'm also carrying a regular purse now.  How exciting and yet sad all at the same time.


  1. I'm jealouse :P LOL!

    Honestly though, way to go Amelia!! We are proud of you! Can you call Chase and give him a pep talk??? :))

  2. Hi Amelia. You are a BIG girl now! I am so happy for you...and for Moma!

  3. WAY TO GO MILLIE!!!! You're such a smart girl I knew you could nail this down in no was fun though giving Mom such a hard time though wasn't it, Ha!

    1. Somehow I knew that as soon as I posted this she was going to have an accident. Guess what? She sure did. Nothing major, but still a bummer though.

  4. MILLIE - I am so proud of you! I knew you could do it, (when things were on your terms). How did I know what worked? (Well don't tell your mama or she wont let u sit by me at church anymore) You are a girl after my own heart. Looking at you is like looking into a mirror sometimes, except the blonde curls are missing. I think I was about one of the most stubborn kids to ever come into this world. I vividly remember being 3 yrs old and dumping garbage out in the yard one day. Only after getting a whipping, did I pick it up. Then I was so mad that I poured it out again. Needless to say, another whipping came. Needless to say, I poured it out again.....and so on we went this battle between my dad and me. I guess lucky for me (and him) it was time for him to go to work. I guess we must have called a truce that day and decided it was an even win. Through the years, i have pretty much done things my way, as long as I thought he approved. So Millie, I'll keep the chapstick coming as long as you keep the kisses coming. Amy, you have your work cut out for you, and I'm afraid it's gonna take both of us to handle this one!

  5. Congrats Amelia! You are such a big girl now :)

  6. yayyyy she is potty trained and learned how to read all in the same week?! LOL One smart little girl u got there takes after her best friend ;)

    1. At least she knows the difference between a penny and a nickel and she don't even work for a bank.

    2. nickel and dime Amy..nickel and dime!

  7. WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I remember saying *yay, I don't have any kids in diapers* and I celebrated by having a positive pregnancy test not 2 months later!!!!!!!!!! Hahaha... be careful what you say... it could backfire. ;-) COngrats to the big girl though,it really is a big accomplishment.

    1. no surprises for me, Dear Lord, please! There would be so many people that would sit and cry with me. Lol

  8. Way to go, Amelia!!

    And I have laughed so hard at that last comment..."so many people would sit and cry with me!" ROFL!!

  9. WAY TO GO, AMELIA! And you, too Amy!! I cannot imagine potty training for SIX weeks!!! Jameson had it down in about a week and I'm hoping Landon follows suit. (Please, God....) Jameson was 2 and a half and was very I'm thinking I'll try the same age with Landon, which is coming very soon! AHHHHHHH here we go again! Lol....
