Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Princess turns 4 not 16.

Now that's a fat baby!!!
My 11.5 and 22" long baby just turned 4.  Jan 5th actually, but I'm just now getting to blog about it.  Once again we didn't do a party.  Her birthday was on a Sunday so she was happy with just going out to eat and having cake.

Amelia woke up and was excited to see those big red bells hanging on her ceiling fan.  And then she ran into the living room to find her presents.  She lives in footed pj's this winter.  I can't get her out of them as long as we are home.  I guess I can't blame her as cold as it has been.

This was her favorite present.  A pink DS.  Ever since she was tiny and all her cousins at Mamaw and Papaws were getting them for Christmas she has always cried for one.  The kids would walk by her and she would start crying and trying to grab their DS.  Ever since she could talk she has asked for a Pink DS.  We have put it off because we didn't think she was old enough for one anyway.  Finally I found a good deal on Craigs List and she got her beloved Pink DS.  She was in love at first sight.  We also got her a Hello Kitty Pez dispenser because I found Chocolate Pez candy at Walmart.  She was upset at Christmas because the boys got Pez dispensers in their stocking and she didn't.  All I had ever seen before was the Pez with artificial dye so I was excited to see the chocolate Pez candy.  Then we got her a Hello Kitty DS game which is her favorite.

We got ready for church and headed to Sunday School.

Our church does something really special for all the kids at church on their Bdays.  They get to come up front and hold the offering basket and the church gives them an offering.  They absolutely love this.

Too bad the adults aren't included in getting to do this.
You will never guess where she wanted to eat at on her birthday.  I know you have to rack your brain real hard to figure out that she wanted to eat Mexican food for her Birthday.  This is where she always wants to eat.  Every Sunday she goes around and asks people if they are going to go eat Mexican after church.  I craved Mexican food while I was pregnant with her and she loves it.

She ate her beloved rice and beans and then we was ready for cake.  Before we went in I promised her that they wouldn't wipe ice cream on her face.  Last year they freaked her out when they came up behind her singing to her and she screamed bloody murder.  She hadn't forgotten about that.  She said they could sing to her, but they better not touch her face.  Ha Ha

I was busy serving cake when the servers caught me off guard.  I had forgotten to ask them not to sing to her.  Here they came.  Behind her.  I waited for the scream.  It didn't come though.  She just clamped her mouth tight shut like she does when she's mad and turned her face from them.  They did try to wipe whip cream on her nose, but she didn't let them.  Boy was she mad.  I had to tell her sorry that I forgot to tell them not to do that.  She did handle it better this time though.  No tears and no screaming was involved.

I ordered Amelia's cake from Krogers with special instructions for it not to have any dye on it.  Only white and chocolate icing was to be used.  Her cake turned out pretty pitiful, but at least it was one she could enjoy and she was happy with it.  She had her heart set on a Dora Cake and the only one we could fine was a Dora Beach scene.  The only question she asked me was where was the sand.  I told her that some sand is white at the nicer beaches so Dora's sand was white on her cake.  Nice save, I know. Ha

Amelia was so confused at how old she was.  I told her to show me how old she was and she held up 10 fingers.  At church when Bro. Darrell asked her how old she was she told him 6 in front of everybody.  Titus said he couldn't believe that him and Amelia was the same age. Ha Ha

For fun, I asked Amelia a few questions and this is exactly how she answered them:

What is your favorite color?  Pink and Purple.
What is your favorite food?  Rice and Beans and that's all.
What is your favorite dessert?  Pie like you make. (I don't make pie, but I did make peach cobbler the other night.  Maybe that's what she meant.)
What is your favorite cookie?  Peanut butter like you make, Mommy.
What is your favorite pair of shoes?  My sparkly Pink boots. (DUH)
Who is your Best Friends?  Hailey, Rachel, Lydia, and Myia. (Only Myia is close to Amelia's age.  The others are teens)
What is your favorite song?  Yes Jesus Loves Me
What are you going to be when you grow up?  A Princess
What is your favorite toys? My baby dolls
Who is your favorite Aunt? Hannah (She's actually her cousin, lol)
Who is your favorite Uncle? Mamaw and Papaw  (She's my smart one, Ha ha)

I thought that was fun.  I need to remember to do that again next year and see how much her answers have changed.

1 comment:

  1. I think when she said Hannah was her favorite Aunt, that she actually meant me considering I'm Hannah's mom!!!!! :)
