Saturday, November 16, 2013

Josiah drops 10 lbs!!!

I am so proud of Josiah.  It took him 2 1\2 months, but he finally made it!  He has come so close to losing 10 lbs and them something would happen.  Since he has been dieting we have celebrated his birthday, Titus' birthday, Halloween festivities, fall festivals, and you name it.  I never denied him stuff because, he is still in fact a kid and he had been working so hard.  He would pick up a lb or two and then we would get busy taking it right back off.  He is doing great with not arguing about his food portions, but he is getting burned out on walking.  I need to get creative because walking is what is really helping him more than anything.  This yucky cold and rainy weather prevents us from walking outside and the treadmill is just so boring.  Last week we had a contest to see who could walk the most.  Josiah ended up winning and that was only because while I took my Sunday nap, he walked over 2 miles on the treadmill.  That rat!!!!!!
 I also wanted to share a video clip of Josiah quoting all of Matthew Chapter 5.  It has 48 verses in it.  I videoed him, but I guess it's too large to post.  I also tried to email it to people and that won't work either.  Not sure what my other options are.  I'm not real technical and I have no idea how to get it posted.  If I figure out a way I'll put it on here.  I am so proud of him.  He has worked so hard and I am just amazed to hear him quote all these scriptures.
Thanks for reading!


  1. We had Cameron and Peyton in a Fit Kids program once at gymnastics. They weren't doing cart-wheels or anything like that. But, they did balance beams, rope climbing, just a lot of conditioning exercises. It was only 1 hour one day a week but it helped them tremendously with burning energy and building core body strength. Once it was nice enough outside for them to play we canceled their membership.

  2. Congrats to Josiah! I love to hear Micah quote his scripture! Another blessing of a christian school!

  3. Try putting his video on YouTube maybe and then just give us the link to view it.
