Thursday, September 13, 2018

Too soon for another broken bone???

Who knew that 4 months after Amelia broke her foot, I would be getting a phone call from school saying that Josiah has possibly broken his arm?!?!

I was in complete denial as I went to pick him up.  It seems like I was home with Amelia because she was sick that day when they called.

He had been playing kickball outside and went to slide into base and somehow landed on his arm.  Now Josiah is a bit dramatic and those around him quite often have a hard time believing him.  So in all honesty we thought he possibly was being a bit overdramatized.  However, when he showed me his wrist it did look swollen and I could tell that it looked a little more crooked than normal.  I still didn't think it was broken.  Had I placed a bet with anyone I would have lost for sure.  (I don't typically gamble, but you get my point!)

I took him on to the ER because I was too ashamed to show my face at the Urgent Care we had been to with Amelia.

They took him straight back and did an x-ray.  Josiah went on with his show and I couldn't help but giggle at him.  I'm ashamed to say he probably gets that from me more than anyone else.

As we stepped out for them to take the x-ray, I seen the DR look over at it and she said, "Yep, it's broken!"  I couldn't even believe it.  Of course he was as smug as could be then because he told us he was hurt and we didn't believe him.

He got a splint put on until he could get in to see an orthopedic, which was the following afternoon.

He chose a camo cast.  The tech guy who was putting his cast on recognized Amelia and asked Titus which cast he wanted to pick out just so he could save it for him since he was probably next.  Ha

Josiah wore that cast for about 2 weeks.  We were sitting in church when I smelled this awful smell.  Much to my dismay I looked around and realized Josiah had pulled his cast off.  Being the good mom I am, I made him slide it back on.  One to protect his wrist and two, to protect those round him that could smell that terrible smell.

I took him back to the Dr the next day to get a new cast.  They said that was very common because of all the swelling he had had.  

He wore the new cast, which was neon bright yellow, for about 2 more weeks and then got a splint on.  he only had to wear the splint for a couple weeks and then he was good to go.

So being through all that, I'd like to say that if I ever get to chose what bone would be broken again in my kids, I would for sure choose the arm.  Ha Ha  Seriously!  So much easier.  My poor compassion had been exhausted on Amelia and he didn't get much petting.  Good thing it was a broken arm and he could still function.  A broken foot complicates everything!!

I am thankful that he healed quick and I'm trying my best to keep Titus as safe as possible!!!