Saturday, November 17, 2012

Balaam and his donkey.

First off, I want ya'll to know that I'm quickly losing my burden for this blog.  I know I know, it's not good, but I can only take so much headache and then I'm done. 

I was introduced to Instagram and I'm quite hooked.  I like clicking one button and my pictures are automatically published. Whereas, this dumb-founded blogging thing, takes close to 2 hours sometimes.

I'm at my parent's house and thought I would try to do another blog post, but I'm not sure how it's going to work out.  Here goes.................................

Josiah's school had their annual Thanksgiving program last night.  We always enjoy going.  They have wonderful food before the program and then we all gather in the sanctuary for it to get started.  Josiah was Balaam this year.  The play was about donkey tales.  (tales not tails, lol)  He got to act out about being Balaam and how the donkey seen the angel and stepped on his foot.  It was really cute and Josiah is a ham anyway so everyone got a good chuckle.  I was quite proud of him.  I was in lots of school plays and I have a feeling he may just take after his mommy.  Ha Ha.

Was it just last year that we all gathered around at christmas and laughed and laughed at me, while watching a video, when I was in a play called "Bunny Sue"?  I was a bunny that refused to hop.  It was hilarious because I have always been chunky, and here I was all hopping around on stage at the end.  Well, I don't care what they say.  I'm like Honey Boo Boo, "I'm a Superstar." Ha Ha (Sorry, that is my latest addiction too,  I have never laughed so hard before after I discovered this little Beauty Queen.) Look her up on you-tube if you have no idea what I'm talking about.

Anyway, back on topic, Josiah enjoyed his time in the spotlight.  I did get a little sad when the Kindergarten class came out and there was another chunky indian like Josiah was last year.  It was a bit of reality that my little boy is growing up fast.  Titus quickly told me that next year, he was going to be that indian when he started  kindergarten.  Ha ha!

Here's a few pics to enjoy if they download.  I will not torment myself or you to try and post more than two!!!



  1. I know what you mean about Instagram- it's instant and quite addicting! My blog has been neglected lately too. Josiah made the cutest Balaam ever!!!

  2. oh my word? 2 hours to upload pics? Ok, it takes me about 10 minutes to upload to picasa and then to transfer them here.... but wow, I'd give up if it took lnoger!!!!
