Saturday, January 11, 2014

Christmas 2013

Well Christmas has come and gone.  The decorations are finally down.  Ummm..... like last week.  Don't want to lead you on thinking that I actually took it all down when most everyone else did.  I am going to do probably the quickest post ever for our Christmas since I have taken so long to get it posted.

Maynard had to work a half day on Christmas eve so we didn't plan on heading to my Mom and Dad's until Christmas eve evening.  While I was packing everything up I looked out the window and it was pouring the snow.  So exciting.  And then I find out that Etown had no snow.  How unfair of me to have to leave a white Christmas behind, but that's just how it was.

We got to Etown and then had Christmas eve supper at a Mexican restaurant with my parents and 2 of my sisters.  We left there headed back to Mom and Dad's to get ready for the big day.

With 7 of us kids plus about 17 grandkids there wasn't a whole lot of room to find to put our presents somewhere.  I grabbed us a spot under the coffee table.

The next morning we actually got to sleep in until 8 before the kids were up begging to open presents.

 They were all tickled to death with their presents and that makes me happy.

Favorite gifts!
Ready for breakfast at Dennys
After we opened gifts Dad was chomping at the bit to go eat breakfast.  Josiah went dressed as Santa and Titus went dressed as an elf.  Amelia wanted to dress up too so she wore her Dr. McStuffin costume.  Just in case someone needed medical attention while we ate, I suppose.  Ha ha  I'm sure they were a sight, but everyone laughed and smiled as they seen Santa and his elf come in for breakfast.  We heard many comments such as, "Are you wore out from a hard night's work, Santa?" Ha ha

After breakfast we headed back to the house and waited until 5 p.m. for all the chaos to begin.  Oh, I mean wait for all the rest of our family to get there.

We had a great time playing Dirty Santa, White Elephant and exchanging gifts.

All too soon it was time to go.  Maynard had to be up at 5 a.m. the next morning for work and we needed to head home.

We had a great Christmas and hope everyone else did too.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like loads of fun! Too bad that snow didn't stick around! I love the costumes!
