Saturday, October 24, 2015

Fall break 2015

Last week was fall break. For some reason I forgot all about them getting a fall break. Not sure why.  Anyway, they were ready for a break as well as I was. Of course the first day off included cleaning the house so we could enjoy the rest of the week. I cleaned the whole house while the kids whined and cried in their room all day halfway cleaning. 

Tuesday I got a wild notion to take my kids to Richmond to the Bounce House. They had sold toys at our yard sale and I gave them each $10 and they all agreed they wanted to spend it by playing at The Bounce  House. 

As soon as we got there they all 3 went straight to a basketball inflatable court that of course cost extra to play 15 minutes. That's so dumb.  It looked really fun, but should have been included in the admission price. 

Amelia found her 2 little friends right away. The boys had to play with each other because boys their age were in school still in that county. 

We stayed about 4 hours and they wore themselves out playing. I'll just include a few pictures. 
Titus loved this basketball game. It was supposed to be an extra dollar to play as well, but he found a stray basketball. Lol

My little orphan had crazy hair because she played so hard. 
It's hard not to have blurry pictures when their constantly moving. 
Josiah was scared of the steepest slide they had. Towards the end he finally got brave enough to try it and ended up loving it. 
Titus was like "Nan nana boo boo!"

This picture cracks me up. 
Yeah, I know. Amelia's picture was better. 

Enjoy the next few pictures of Josiah. 

Josiah overcame his fears. 

We left the Bounce House and stopped at Fazolis for kid's night. 
Wednesday we spent the day cleaning the church to help out a family on vacation. 

Thursday was a picnic and park day. 
We spent 4 hours at the park with friends. They had a lot of fun. 

Friday the kids kept fighting and arguing so they got grounded and I made them stay home all day. The library was closed for 2 weeks and they were really bummed about that. 

Saturday we drove to Elizabethtown to see my family. They were having a HarperFest. All our family got together and we had a meal and then games for the kids. There was a bounce house and even a hayride. Everyone had a good time. I didn't get very many pictures though. Here's a few....

The Harper Gang!!

Hayride down a country road. 
This is actually a basketball game using the light pole as a goal. It actually entertained them for a long time. 

We came back home and prepared for Sunday School the next day. 

Hard to believe fall break was over and time to head back to school. 

Monday morning the kids did not want to get up. Amelia cried and cried not wanting to go. They were all tired from a busy weekend. 

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