Monday, October 15, 2012

Fall Break Part 1

Friday evening we headed to visit my family.  We got a late start because, uh-humm, Maynard's car started acting up again.  My freezer in my refigerator has bit the dust too.  I lost all my apples and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches I put up this year. Ha Ha!

Anyway, by the time we got to E-town it was around 8 p.m. and we decided to eat at Cheddars.  Most my family was in church and the others were already getting ready for bed, so we ate by ourselves.  It was so good!!!!!

We got to my parent's house and crashed on the floor and couches.

Saturday morning my Mom fixed an amazing big breakfast for all of us.  It was so good too!

Eating breakfast with some of their cousins.

The kids played outside with their cousins all morning and afternoon and then we headed to our annual Harper Harvest Fest.  It was good seeing all our family members we barely get to see.  They had lots of games and activities planned for the kids.  The hayride got canceled due to a problem with the wagon and my kids were majorly bummed, but they got over it.  All too soon it was bedtime.

Pinata Fun

Sack Races

She never quite mastered it which made her a bit angry!

Balloon Darts  (my nephew Logan)

My Parents

My brother Brian and his son Logan (I get to see them maybe 3 times a year, if that.)

Maynard making London proud at cornhole.  He only lost one game!

The Harper Family, Dad, Uncles, and my Aunt.

Sumday morning we went to visit a local church, but they ended up having a special Pastor Appreciation service, so it was kind of odd for us.  After church we went and had lunch at TEXAS ROADHOUSE.  I love Texas Roadhouse.  (I have no doubt seriously gained about 10 lbs this weekend).

Sunday night we went to church at Bro. Webb's in Brooks, KY. We got to see their new building and it was so nice.  I hadn't been to visit them people in over 10 years.  I got to see so many friends and see my friend's kids. I was so glad I went.  Maynard and I sung and I was near passing out in that massive church from nervousness, but the Lord visited us and was able to annoint and use us to help the church.  After church, Maynard drove on home and I stayed with my parents for a couple more days. 

My good friend Annette's little girls and Amelia.  I had only seen pics of them before.

Monday morning my Mom attempted to take me and the kids shopping.  We went to the mall. (Without a stroller, I might add)  I am NOT paying $5 to rent a stroller that Amelia can barely fit her chubby legs through.  She wasn't the problem anyway.  Can ya'll guess?????????  I'm pretty sure Titus still has my fingernail prints on his arm.  I believe I heard chimes from Heaven when I found Children's Place was right in front of a playground.  My mom ever so graciously, said she would watch the kids while I looked around.  As she went out I heard her say, "I'm gonna let ya'll play, but you better not hurt any of those other kids." Ha Ha!  That cracked me up.

After the mall we went to Sam's where my kids pretty much had lunch.  You know the people that hand out samples?  My kids had fish, pizza, apples, and I can't remember what all.  I got so tickled because Titus said, "Here come a food cart."  I looked over and someone was just setting up their sample station.

Monday night was my brother and his wife's baby shower at my parent's house.  It was just family, but she got a ton of cute stuff.  She has 2 boys and is now having a baby girl.  So she was super excited about all the pink stuff she got.

Congratulations, Todd and Michelle.

Now my kids are in bed and we are supposed to go home in the morning.  These 5 days have gone by super fast, but I'm ready to go home and back to normal again.  Maybe we can enjoy our last few days of fall break sleeping in and just hanging out at the park.  I am LOVING this weather!!!!!!


  1. Love all of the pictures! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Your right, we did get A LOT of wonderful stuff! And, honestly I love it all!!!

    Its so funny about Sams. Cameron loves going to Sams and "having lunch" He used to embarass the fire out of me. He would scream, "Mom, can we get some food stamps" through the store. What he really meant was food samples. Lets just say I got a lot of strange looks when he asked for food stamps...if only he knew what they were.

    1. Ha ha, that would have been embarrassing for sure.

  3. It was a pleasure spending that hour with ya! Lol maybe one day when I retire I'll be able to spend time with you...but till then I gotta save for Europe!! :))

  4. Looks like yall had a fun time! I love the fall season!!!
