Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Nothing worth blogging about so my topic is "My Feet."

We have been really busy around here, but nothing really exciting enough to blog
about.  I have been going to work with Maynard because his car he bought to replace his old one broke down.  He had to get a new transmission put in it so he needed to drive my van.  We chose to go with him a few times just to get out of the house.
So, since you all are bored to tears already, let's talk about my feet.

Some of you that don't have instagram have no idea what I'm talking about so I feel the need to enlighten you.  I don.t want you to be left in the dark of my feebleness.

I have had feet trouble ever since this summer, but blamed it on my flip flops.  I mean we all know flip flops are terrible for your feet anyways.  I would get to hurting so bad that I couldn't walk through the house without excruciating pain.  I ended up in the bed one evening and refused to get up. I was desparate so I let Maynard wrap my feet in vinegar and brown paper. I reeked like vinegar for several days, but it did help a little.
I broke down and went to a podiatrist (foot dr).  I have heel spurs and plantar ficillitis in both feet.  He put me on some steriods and anti_inflammatory meds.  I had to promise my Dr I would only wear tennis shoes, except I did get permission to wear dress shoes to church for 2hrs a week.  Yep, he thinks people only go to church on Sunday mornings evidently.  I am doing some better, but not completely
better yet.  I have one month to get better or I get SHOTS IN MY FEET, PEOPLE!!  Cut me open, but please don't put needles in my feet. lol
So, if you see me out and I look like I've been to the gym, just pretend I have been.  Drs orders, no exercise right now either, lol.
I decided to spare ya'll on a picture because it would have to be of my feet and well......I think that got old on instagram. ha ha


  1. yeah, I probably don't want to see a picture of your feet....unless it is a pic of Maynard wrapping your feet in vinegar and brown paper (why does that remind me of a nursery rhyme?)....do hope your feet are better though!

  2. SHOTS in them??!! OUCH! I hope not....

  3. Tennis shoes hurt my feet bad, Any closed in shoe kills my feet, but I also heard that flip flops are really bad, so what's the deal? I dread every winter bc I have to wear real shoes,lol. My knees ache with like arthritis pain if I wear my boots too, so weird, but we gotta look cool,ha! Good luck with your feet!

  4. Ohhh I know exactly what you are going thru. I had plantar fascillitis in one foot and I ended up getting the shot..to no avail.Needless to say, I had to go to physical therapy for 13 weeks but can now say my foot is better....yay!! And yes, the physical therapist let me know right away that my favorite summer shoe, flip flops was the biggest culprit in it...but he gave up the fight on getting me to not wear them, he knew it was a battle he would lose so he put arch supports in them. And I must confess, arch supports would look alot better in shoes that hide them :) Good luck Amy...hope u get feeling better soon!!

    1. I am cracking up at the arch support in your flip flops. lol I seen how ugly those were. ha ha
