Sunday, May 15, 2016

Library fun, Allergy testing, and Mother's Day

We love our library and love all the programs they have. They have recently remodeled and now have an amazing building. 
We recently took the kids to Comic Con. They went last year as well and loved it. 

Then we went back for life sized games. 
Candy land. 

Tic Tac Toe

Hoola Hoop fun. 

Allergy Testing

I am so thankful that Amelia has outgrown all her food allergies. She can eat anything now and doesn't have to have any allergy medicine. 

Titus has been having issues the last few years so they are watching him closely. He was due for more allergy testing so I took him this past week. 

#6 was dust. I dust quite often, but I just seem to have a dusty house. Drives me nuts. 
He also had a bad allergy to shrimp and cabbage. Now what's sad is he decided he loved shrimp and coleslaw in the past couple of months. Why is that you can't be allergic to things you hate?!?!
During the test I told him his #6 was really bad. He said it was probably humans and teachers that he was allergic too. Ha ha 

Josiah is under the care of a Ears, Nose, and Throat specialist. His ears always have fluid in them and we were checking to see if he needed tubes or getting his tonsils removed. The ENT suggested him seeing an allergy DR before they made any decisions about his care. 

The allergist took one look at Josiah and pointed to his eyes. He said he already knew that Josiah had bad allergies from the dark circles under his eyes. 

He was horribly allergic to dust and cats. He started bawling because we have an outside cat and he thought we had to get rid of it. The DR assured him it was fine, but just to keep the cat outside. 
Josiah is terrified of needles and I promised him that it was just gonna be little pricks and not actual needles. 
I had to eat my words. He actually got 24 pokes in his back and 13 actual shots in his arm. 
He done really good, but couldn't help the tears from dripping down his face. 
He is going to have to start allergy shots here in a few weeks. They said he will feel so much better once he starts taking those. I just hope he takes them good. He is terrified of shots and he's suppose to get them 3 times a week. 
He's also scheduled for a hearing test in a couple weeks to make sure his hearing hasn't been affected by all the fluid. 
I took him to lunch after his appointment to reward him for doing so good. 
He chose Frisches and we discussed politics almost the whole time. 

Mother's Day 2016

Maynard went out of his way this year to try to show me how much I was appreciated. Friday night before Mother's day he told me to choose where I wanted to eat because Sunday would be too crazy. For some reason I had been craving Cracker Barrell, so that's where we headed. 
So on Saturday Maynard and the kids all helped me clean the house. I didn't want a dirty house all weekend and with all their help we had it looking pretty good in no time. 
I didn't have groceries in the house and by 11:00 we were all starving so we got dressed and headed out. Maynard asked me again where I wanted to eat for Mother's Day. I didn't remind him we had already celebrated once. Ha ha
Somehow we ended up at Applebee's and it was so amazing. I ordered ribs. I never eat ribs. They were so so good. We ended up going to several yard sales and then Maynard wanted to take the kids shopping for me. So I got to stay home all by myself in a clean house for about 2 1/2 hours. I wanted a nap, but felt like that would be wasting my precious time. 
They all got back and Titus was begging to go to the park and play catch with his new glove he got at a yardsale. About the time we decided to leave, it started storming. It was a bad storm. Electric was off at places and signs were destroyed. Titus started bawling. We have had aLOT of rain lately and he was so disappointed. I told him I would go to the store and make them a special dessert and buy popcorn. Bad thing about it was the electric was off at all of the grocery stores in London. So we finally found a Family Dollar and got him some popcorn. Poor kid. His evening just didn't get any better. It continued to storm all night long. It was horrible. 
Sunday morning the kids couldn't wait to give me my gifts. They had bought me roses, M&M's (tradition), skirt, cup, dish towels, and a new kitchen garbage can. I ain't ashamed I got a trash can. I asked for it and the dish towels. I wear everything I own out. I had that ugly white trash can for 10 years or more and had the dish towels since our wedding shower 17 years ago. Ha ha. I promise. 
I got so many dish towels at our shower that I saved them all. These were the last ones and were filled with holes. It hurt my heart when I threw them away.   The trash can has the foot pedal so maybe that will make it easier than having to lift the lid for the kids to get their trash in the can. 
I also got goodies from the kids from school and church. 
These are definitely treasures to me. 

Sunday service was nice. All the Mother's were honored. I'm not sure why, but I had the giggles all day. Everyone was supposed to pray with a mother and no one was around me except Maynard so he had to pray with me. I don't know why. I laughed all the way trough it. I have a history of doing that though. It sure didn't help when I heard him ask the Lord to give me money and riches. Ha ha 

After church we had our normal lunch at our favorite Mexican restaraunt and then home for a nap. 
Amelia and I were twinning for Mother's Day. 
We ate at White Castles. Yes, we ate out all weekend. That was part of my gift. 
Amelia LOVES White Castles. We eat ther maybe twice a year. I lost count how many hamburgers she ate. It was more than I or Maynard ate. I know that. So to finish off my Mother's Day weekend, she was up at midnight crying with a bellyache. It seemed like this has happened before on Mother's Day to me before. Oh well #momlife

Amelia and I also attended a Mommy and Me tea party at the library this past weekend. We try to go every year. She always  looks forward to it. Someone gave her a princess dress at a yardsale and that's what she said she was wearing. Nothing was gonna change her mind. So, I let her. This was her special day. 

She ate lots of colorful goodies, made crafts, and got a treat bag including books. 
I'll be so sad when she outgrows this stage. 
I'm thankful for my kids who have made me a Mom. I'm also thankful that I have a good Mom who helped teach me how to be a good one. 

1 comment:

  1. I understand what you are going through with the allergy shots. Kelsey and Kylie had to be tested last June and she was allergic to dust mites, cats, lady bugs. She just started her maintenance shots last week. She done great, we go to Family Allergy and Asthma and they always are great with her. Kylie has an appt this week for a follow up poor baby keeps breaking out in hives. Hope all goes well for them!
