Thursday, June 2, 2016

Awards, Graduation service, and suprise party

The last week of school finally had arrived. It was filled with field trips and parties. Unfortunately, Amelia caught Hand, Foot, and Mouth. She felt OK, but was contagious and missed her last week of school. She was heart broken about missing all her fun activities and field trips. I asked for prayer that she would be able to make it to her Awards service and her graduation. 
I spoiled her with candy and her own special cup to keep her mind off of things. Like especially, a missed field trip to the Party Palace. 
Come Friday, we had the go ahead that she could go back to school. She was so excited!!

She won a trophy for scripture memorization, medallion for honor roll, Academic award for Phonics, reading challenge pin, character award was for kindness. She also was measured the first of the school year and the last day of school and she was 49" at the beginning of the year and 52" at the end. She grew 3" in 10 months. She was so much taller than the rest of her classmates. 

Titus also got lots of awards. He got a trophy for scripture memorization. He had to memorize 1st John. He got a trophy for the reading challenge, medallion for the honor roll, perfect attendance award, Academic award was for Phonics, and his character award was  for a Servant's Heart. 

Josiah got a trophy for scripture memorization also, academic awards were for Math and Language, his character award was for Boldness, medallion for the honor roll,  he got a pin for a reading challenge, and a bible award for reading Psalms and proverbs. 

After the awards service they got to collect their things and leave early. It's always a bittersweet day. They're happy to move on to a higher grade, but will miss their teachers. 
I took them to Golden Corrall to award them for all their hard work that year. 
Their poor uniforms were in terrible shape by now. This is what Josiah's pants looked like the day before. 
They wear their uniforms out, but I love that they have to wear uniforms.  It takes them longer to get dressed when they have casual clothes days than what it does on a regular school day. 

That night it was time for Amelia's graduation. We couldn't take any outside pictures because of all the rain. 

Picture with Mrs. Bowman except missing one student. 

Here they are all together right before they march in. 

Silly pose

A picture with her besties.  She picked out a dog for her friends to sign just like her brothers had. She found a pink one which made her happy. 

After graduation we went to Dairy Queen and the celebration continued. 

The only downside to Amelia's day was that Mamaw and Papaw couldn't make it to her graduation. She fretted and pouted about it for days. Mamaw promised to make it up to her. 

That next weekend we went home for memorial weekend and had her a suprise graduation party. She was thrilled. 

Aunt Angela made her delicious cake. 

Her favorite part was that she got gifts too. 
A gown for her and a matching gown for her doll by Aunt Christy even though Aunt Melissa took full credit. 

Mamaw got her a Baby Alive which she had been asking for the last couple months. She was so surprised. 
She also got  money from Uncle Todd. She already spent that on a pool float and candy. 
I found her a Barbie doll that matched her graduation gown perfectly. 

This was one happy girl indeed. I'm pretty sure Mamaw is no longer on the naughty list. 
The boys acted jealous of her party, but I reminded them that Mamaw and Papaw was at their graduation.  

I am proud of my kids and their hard work at school. They rarely complain when  it's time to wake up for school and they get mad at me when they have to miss for Dr appointments. 

I am thankful for Christian school. It is definitely a blessing. 

Now on to summer vacation. 

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