Friday, June 24, 2016

How we celebrated the first month of Summer Break

Hard to believe that the kids have been out of school a whole month already. I've tried my best to keep them entertained. I finally had to put my foot down and declare 1 day a week as chore day. That's usually on a Monday if we don't have plans. So in other words, Monday's end up in fighting and arguing. What should take the kids a couple hours to do literally takes them all day long. 

Our first day of summer break was full of Dr appointments. The kids were super bummed that we had to get up so early on our first day off of school. 

Josiah was scheduled for a hearing test and to see his ENT specialist. There were concerns with his hearing due to frequent ear infections. I had warned him that if he passed he was in trouble for ignoring me all the time. The verdict was he did pass, but his DR said when he has fluid in his ears he truly can't hear me very well so I had to let him off the hook. 

We went to programs at the library and went to several parks the next couple weeks. We also spent a lot of time in our swimming pool we got last year. It took forever to clear up the water, but we finally did. Here's a few random pics. 
What it looked like when we first started on it. It's clear now with good chemical levels. I need to get a better picture to compare how it looks now. 
It was still clearing up here. 

Here's some park pictures. I took my kids and 2 boys I babysit to Levi Jackson park to play and feed the ducks. 
Took them all to a nice restaraunt for pizza. I had ages 2,4,6,8, and 10. It actually went well and with only one spill. 

Here's some library pictures.....

We also were invited to a lady's house that has a 5ft pool so we were all about that. 

We spent all afternoon at her house. We had Oreos and goldfish for lunch. I think that's acceptable in the summer, right?

My kids also went to 2 Vacation bible schools. 
The first one was Liberty Pentecostal. It was a 3 day VBS. My kiddos love going to VBS there. 
I mean any chance to pie someone in the face is a good time. 
They also went to a small country church VBS nearby us. They only got to go 3 nights, but they still enjoyed it. 
Let's zoom in on Amelia's craft shall we???
I was speechless as she showed me her piggy lamp. She is indeed the proudest girl ever of her craft. I was dying on the inside. This has to be the most ugliest VBS craft ever known to man. I could never tell her that though. Ha ha. It is currently on her dresser. I told her it wasn't safe to plug in. I mean the cord, ya'll!!  It literally is up the piggy's rear!  

After the last night of VBS, we decided to camp out for Father's day weekend. It was a perfect camping weather day. Our tent we had was too small so we got Maynard a new tent for Father's Day and gave it to him early so we could use it. 

This was one of the best camping trips we ever had. We stayed in the backyard of our property we will be moving to this year. It's also where our pool is. 


The tent said it fit 6. There were 5 of us and we were all pretty cozy. 

After we got everything set up we did some late night swimming. 
We never could get a good picture with the lighting. I promise our pool is not this color. 
We swam until about midnight and then We roasted hot dogs and marshmallows. 

I also picked up some Sparklers for them to play with. 

Finally, we decided everyone needed to go to bed. It took a little while for them to settle down, but they finally did. 

About 5:30 in the morning all local 500 roosters started crowing. Everyone started waking up and stirring about. Me and Amelia went back to bed and left the boys up. 
Guard patrol!!

It's nearly impossible to keep these 2 boys out of the fire. 
We spent the rest of the morning watching the kids play. 
Amelia got back in the pool and then decided she wanted her training wheels off of her bike. 
Maynard took them off. He told her what to do and gave her a shove. Off she took. It only took a few tries and she had it. 
She also learned how to float on her back so she said she was a good learner that day. Ha ha 
We ran a few errands and came back and swam some more and then packed up for home. 
This week was more relaxed. We swam a few times and done work around the house. I took the kids to Mr Gaittis for lunch. Our fun day was today. I took them to a water park in Barbourville. 
It was free admission with a free sack lunch from 11-3 so I figured why not. My kids LOVED it!  It was definitely kid oriented and not for adults. Like I was too big to ride any of the slides but it was perfect for them. 

I can't believe Amelia kept going on this slide. 

There was 2 water slides and a lazy river. Josiah and Titus stayed together and Amelia  practically lived on the blue slide. I love how she has overcome her fears this year. 
We're home now and sunburned, but it was so fun.  
I'll check in later. We have lots more planned. 

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