Saturday, September 24, 2016

Back to School 2016-2017

Just like it always happens, summer break ends before you know it and you didn't even get to everything on your to do list. 

All too soon it was Aug 15th and the first day of school. 

We did our usual pictures by the front door. 

This year there was a twist on things. 
I went back to school with them. I accepted the position as a teacher's assistant for kindergarten and middle school. 

1st day of 3rd grade. 

5th grade. He made it to middle school. They can't wait to get their own "office" and decorate it. 

1st day of 1st grade. 
Amelia's church bestie came to Amelia's school this year. Talk about one excited girl!!!  Her bestie has her back. Amelia was being picked on and her friend took matters into her own hands. Everyone needs a friend like her!!
Last year Amelia only went to school until 12. This year she had to stay all day. She looked sad to me after lunch. I was worried about her. After school she told me the devil was telling her the night before that she was going to have a bad day and something bad was going to happen to her. That's why she said she was sad. After the first day though, she was fine!!!  I hate it when the devil picks on our kids!!!

She went to find her other little friends in kindergarten to make sure they were ok. 

Everyone had a successful week. Except for Miss Princess. 
She was sleeping better than she ever had in her whole life and I kept on waking her up early. Ha ha

So it's been 6 weeks now and school is still going great. Amelia is doing great in first grade. She's learning her scriptures like a champ. She loves school, but is always ready for her the weekend so she can sleep late. 

Titus is also doing well. He had always struggled with learning his scriptures and this year he hardly even needs me to practice with him. He is always so excited to see me at school and will about knock me down to hug me. 

Josiah is now doing the ACE program which is all different for him. He took to it like a duck to water though. He is thriving and loves the challenge about staying on level. 

I am having a blast helping at school. I'll admit it's been hard keeping up at home with my responsibilities and working too. 
I have always loved kids and they make each day interesting. It didn't take me long to love them. 
It's also made me realize how rusty I am on everything. I'm thankful to have score keys to answer some of their questions. Then again, I suprise myself sometimes too. Ha ha. Being at school has made the nerd come out of me again. Sometimes I just want to grab their work and do it for them just because it looks fun. I'm sure they would let me. Ha ha. I'm having to work on the balance of being their friend and also being in position of authority. I want everyone to like me, but I also need to be a rule enforcer which is sometimes hard for me to do. Then again sometimes it isn't so hard. I guess it depends on the situation. 

It took me awhile to figure out the whole PACE process. I'm sure I have asked some dumb questions I'll probably never live down. I was lost for about 2 weeks and then finally everything started clicking !!  I'm not saying I have it all figured out, but I'm getting there. Something they do in the classroom is they have a flag system. If the student needs permission to score their work or leave the classroom they raise an American flag. Then I or their teacher will go to them to see what they need. So with 24 students you tend to see a lot of flags throughout the day. My boys found a flag at home and think it's funny to chase me around hollering "Sis Parker!!  Sis Parker!!"

I am truly thankful for the opportunity I was given to be part of the staff at LCA. It was an answer to prayer.  While being in the classrooms this year, I have been even more thankful that my kids are blessed to attend a Christian school. They get so much biblical teachings every single day. They have the best teachers who encourage and strengthen their faith. I feel like I have drawn closer to God just what time I am there. We are truly blessed with a great school. 

We are looking forward to a great school year!!

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