Sunday, September 25, 2016

Josiah's 11th Birthday

Apparently, last year's birthday party was a success. So of course, a repeat party was already in the plans. The Friday before Josiah's actual birthday, I had 8 boys at my house ready for a sleepover. 
For some reason I allowed them to bring their BB guns. I was a bit nervous and thought about enforcing safety glasses, but decided to just let them be boys instead. 

They had such a good time exploring in our woods. I believe they played army and war. I love seeing kids using their imaginations. 

We had pizza for supper. They were so excited about playing that they barely ate anything. 

Towards the evening we built a fire and they roasted marshmallows and made smores. I didn't get many pictures because middle school age boys aren't into that. I feared my life taking the previous picture when they all had their guns. 

The tent was set up, but no one was ready for bed. Maynard played hide and seek with them in the dark. They separated into teams and had a blast. Maynard and I went back in the house and I made popcorn for them to take in the tent with them. I shewed them all out of the house and we went to bed. I heard them laughing and giggling until about 2 a.m.
I forgot to mention that Amelia was having her own sleepover at her bestie's house. We didn't tell her until school was over that she got to go home with her friend. She was super excited because she was not looking forward to having all those boys at her house. 

Around 7 the boys were at it again. Already running through the woods. I fixed a big breakfast and this time they were starved and ready to eat. 
It was so encouraging to hear the boys talk about how much fun they were having. Makes it all worth it to me. 

Throughout the day the boys were getting picked up and we had a suprise guest arrive. My mom stopped by to stay the night. We picked Amelia up and grabbed an early supper. Then we came home and everyone went to sleep. Mom said we were the most boring people to be around. Ha ha. We were worn out for partying too much. 

Josiah was out of it and it reminded me of the picture I took of him last year. 

Sunday morning Mom went to church with us. The kids were so excited to have her there with us. 

We took Josiah to eat Mexican so he could have his birthday desert. 

Everybody matched, but me so we took some pictures. 

Mom and Josiah really matched. 

Tuesday was Josiah's actual Birthday. He decided he wanted to bring fresh honey buns from the bakery to share with his class. 
But first, it was present time. 
He got a Nike outfit, Nike wrist and headband, water bottle and a basket ball. 

One of the highlights of his day was that Maynard picked him up from school and took him out for lunch. Maynard had been off work a little while due to a work injury, so he was able to do that. He signed Josiah out and took him to Frisches. 
He loved getting to eat off the bar instead of getting a kid's meal. Then they brought him a hot fudge cake for his birthday. He was so full he couldn't eat all of it. 

Maynard announced he was released back to work and Amelia immediately went to complaining that Maynard wouldn't be able to take her out to eat on her birthday. Ha ha 

I'm glad Josiah had a great birthday. He was my special gift sent from God 11 years ago!!   

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