Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Goodbye Homestead Lane

We had our house on the market to sell for almost 6 months.  We decided not to list it again until Maynard had time to make some repairs to the house.  However, someone made an offer to our realtor to buy it even though it wasn't listed.  Of course, we didn't know that, but he called and was persistent that we put it back on the market that very day.  The offer wasn't that great so we declined it.  We kept praying about it and even sought council of what we should do.  The offer was less than we wanted, but it was a deal where we sign a paper and we're done.  No repairs and no hidden fees.  Finally, we decided to go through with it.  We thought we would be out some money in order to pay our realtor, but it ended up to where we just broke even.  We didn't get the profit we hoped for, but we also didn't have to worry about making repairs.  We didn't really have the money nor the time for that.  With a potential house fire, not too many people probably wanted the house any way.  I mean, I wouldn't have.  The heat/air unit had gone bad and that is what had to be replaced. 

The sale happened so fast, that our realtor didn't even put his sign back in the yard.  I couldn't wait to take a picture of it that said "Sold!"  That was disappointing, but who cares!!!  On Saturday, February 24, 2018, we met at the lawyers office and that was it!!  Our house was sold.  No more house payments.  It was exciting to lead to a debt free life.  We had one bill left to pay off and we will have zero debt.  That sounds great, but the cost of living is so high things are still tight.  So crazy!!!

We went back to visit and say our goodbyes.  Josiah took it hard.  Of course he was the first baby I brought home there so he had been there the longest. 

Took pictures of them standing next to their bedroom windows.  It was a bittersweet moment.  Sad to see it go, but excited all at the same time.

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