Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Memorial Day 2013 (lot's of fun)

Sorry for the delay in posting, but I have tried.  After having so many technical difficulties I tend to give up rather quickly.  I haven't posted about our memorial day yet so I have to back up and get caught up on that before I blog about anything else.  Even though nothing really exciting has happened since, but that's not always a bad thing for our family.

Maynard had the day off for Memorial Day and we were excited to have a long weekend with him.  We left the house Monday morning without a clue where we were headed.  We wanted to do something fun, close by, and cheap.  That narrowed down our options real fast.  Maynard said, "I know what we can do.  Let's go to Camp Wildcat Battleground and look around.  I've always wanted to do that."  So I turn my head, look out the window and roll my eyes. 
Maynard:  "Did you just roll your eyes?"
Me:   "No, Honey, of course not."
Maynard:  "Do you have a better idea?"
Me:   "I have lots of ideas, but none of them include cheap and close by."

So Camp Wildcat it is.  My boys were absolutely thrilled so I gave in.

After driving a narrow, long curvy road in the middle of nowhere we finally arrived.

Then they had a nice area for a nature hike.  It was all mown around and just looked lovely.  So we headed down the path.

We started down the trail and we realized I left the windows down in the van and my purse was in there.  Plus, I was wearing flip flops while trying to hike.  I kept worrying about my purse so we finally turned around and walked back to the vehicle.  There were a few more vehicles up there by the time we got back so I was glad to recover my purse.  I'm beginning to act like an old lady when it comes to my last $3 in my purse.

We got back in the car and continued up the narrow roads.  They had lots of other historic things to look at.  We followed the trail all the way through until it ended in sand and a river.  We put the van in park and everyone of us jumped out and headed to the river.  So many memories came flooding in.  We always traveled alot when we were little and it was nothing for Dad to stop by a creek and let us kids out to go wading in the creek.  We would catch minnows and tadpoles.  It was a lot of fun.  Even though I'm typically the scaredy cat about almost everything, I was the first one in the water and Amelia was close to follow.

Maynard showed the boys how to skip rocks across the river and then I showed them how to catch minnows.  We were having a ton of fun and then this happened.
Yep, I lost my flip flop.  I tried my best to catch it, but the current picked it up and took it down the river pretty fast.  After that we decided to go home for lunch and then maybe come back later better prepared.  Like water shoes, ya know? Ha!

Instead of driving back through the long, narrow road again we went the opposite way where we could go straight to the river from the main road.  We had a blast.  I love when life slows down a bit and you can enjoy playing with your kids.  Even though I'm in my 30's, I still have a very active imagination.  We pretended we were on a deserted island.

We built this fort.

Fishing for survival

Their campfire
We really got into it.  The kids had a lot of fun.  At one point though, I realized Maynard and I were the only ones playing.  Ha ha

We played around in the water and Titus kept scaring us because of the current.  That kid is attracted to danger, I tell ya. 

We decided to pack up and head home.

But the fun wasn't over!!!!!!!

We built a campfire right in our front yard.

We roasted marshmellows and hot dogs.
While we were working, (Maynard was working) on the fire I gave the kids all a box of snappers.  Whatever they are called.  Those things you throw on the ground that pop?  Anyways, they love them! 

We finally forced the kids in the house to give them a much needed bath and then we all crashed!

So was going to Camp Wildcat a great idea?


We wasn't out a dime and we had great quality time with our family.  So you can have fun, close by home and not have to spend a lot of money.  I didn't know it was possible.  Ha ha!!

Hope you enjoyed reading about our Memorial Day!


  1. Sounds and looks like you guys had a very fun time!!!! Great Post!!

  2. Looks like fun! I love those days when you just head out to find fun! Good times!
