Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A White Thanksgiving 2013

You know when you first get married and you have to figure out where you are going to spend your holidays????  Before Bro. Suits would marry us he asked us that question during our counseling.  He said it was a bigger deal than what most couples think so it was better to be discussed before marriage.  This is what we came up with....

Christmas would be spent with my family. 
Thanksgiving would be spent with Maynard's family.

It works out great because we go to my Parent's house the Saturday before Thanksgiving and we have Thanksgiving dinner then.  Everyone shows up and then that frees my family up to get to spend the actual holiday with all their in-laws. 

So the Friday night of the boy's school program my Mom and sister in law, and her 3 kiddos, drove down to see the program.  I didn't tell the boys they were coming and you can imagine their delight when they got to our house.

After the program, we followed Mom back home and stayed all night with them.  We had plans on riding back with Mom, but at the last minute, Maynard's boss walked up to him and gave him the day off on Saturday.  I was so happy because he has to work on Saturdays now and he was gonna have to miss Thanksgiving with the Harpers.  How horrible would that have been???  No seriously, it would have been. Ha Ha!!!  Anyway, he was going to have to drive up to get us either Sunday morning or late Saturday night, but it worked out that he got to come with us.  We decided to go on home with Mom and that way I could help her with the cooking before the dinner.  My kids were super excited because we hadn't been there to visit in over 4 months.

My parents live on a little farm now with a few critters.  Last time we were there it was hot and the kids played outside and even swam in the pool.  This time however, it was fuhreezing!!!!  Amelia kept asking to go swim and I kept catching Titus sneaking outside barefoot and in short sleeves.  They just didn't understand the weather change and was not happy about being stuck in the house knowing there was a barn to explore, eggs to gather, and a horse to feed.
My brother Brian had all 3 of his boys there that day and he set up the Wii out in the garage where everyone was going to eat and that worked out perfectly.  Actually, kind of saved the day really.
I stayed busy in the kitchen helping Mom.  Well, if you call it that.  Somehow my family knows when she doesn't fix something and they want to know what is wrong with it.  I helped fix the huge potato salad and about started a riot.  I made it too tangy and everyone was so upset.  I'm telling you!!!  These Harper people and In-laws are very brutal over the food that is brought in.  You will flat be told if they don't like what you brought.  It is kind of tradition really to all agree on what was gross that year.  I'm afraid the potato salad would have won this year. Ha Ha!!!  Even my Mom made a face when she tasted it.  I thought it was good though.  I like my potato salad tangy.  Live and learn people.  Next year, she will have to make it all by her lonesome so everyone will be happy.  The best thing was Mom's dressing.  Yummy!  That's probably my favorite thing about Thanksgiving dinner.  We eat turkey and ham year round so that's really no big treat, but I only have homemade dressing once a year.

All my family got to be there and we had kids going every which way.  So thankful for Mom and Dad's new house and that we actually had room to compensate for all these kiddos.

I took pictures, but they include some of my nieces and nephews that I don't have permission  to post on my blog so here's one of Maynard carving the turkey.
2 turkeys and 1 ham got devoured by this big group.
We stayed all night again at Mom's and went to church with them the next morning.  My kids love getting to go to Sunday School where I am not their teacher.  Not exactly sure why, but they do. Ha

After church Dad bought us lunch at Texas Roadhouse.  I love Texas Roadhouse!!!!!  Then we got back in the car and rushed back to make it home in time for church.

The kids had school Monday and Tuesday and then were off on Wednesday.  It started snowing pretty good on Wednesday morning, but the kids were begging to go to the library to get some books so that is where we bundled up and went.

It was really coming down and the kids couldn't resist a snowball fight before they went in.
It was pretty special that their 1st snow was the day before Thanksgiving and they had the day off from school.
After the library we went to Frisches  because I had coupons for free kid's meal.  As we ate we watched the pouring snow and it just shot out when the waitress asked if we wanted dessert.  I always say, "No, thank-you", but somehow I said, "We will have a hot fudge cake."  The kids were in a state of shock, I believe.  It was a nice treat.

We got home and the kids decided to play in the snow for awhile.
Amelia's Play in the Snow Outfit.
She refused to wear her pink coat because she didn't want to get snow on it.  I finally made her put it on, but by then she was done mad at her brothers for throwing snow at her.  Ugh!  I hate getting onto my kids for throwing snowballs because technically, having snowball fights is just part of playing in the snow in my opinion.  She is such a girl sometimes!!!!! ha

Thanksgiving morning it was so nice to have Maynard home.  The kids made sure he was plenty occupied while I finished up cooking in the kitchen.  We headed over to his Mom's house around 1:00 and had dinner with them.  After eating we just sat around and visited.  It was pretty calm being that my kids were the only kids there.  We stayed a few hours and then headed for home.  It was a wonderful Thanksgiving spent with family.

As soon as we got home, this is what took place.
They hit the sales papers and went to writing their Christmas Lists.

And NO!  I did not go Black Friday shopping.  I almost went with my friend, Michelle, but I didn't tell her whether or not I was going until she had already left.  But she walked in Walmart and then walked right back out so we wouldn't have got much shopping done anyway.  I don't even like grocery shopping when it's crowded on the first of the month.  I'm afraid my sanctification would be put to the test and I'm afraid I would fail miserably.  Yeah, ya'll got some good deals, but I will just have to take your word for it!!!

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and spent with the ones you love!!!!!


  1. I absolutely love the snow picture. So pretty with the light pole and snowflakes! So glad we had a sane thanksgiving this year. Ha! Hoping for the best this Christmas. Lol. Btw, I love blackfriday shopping.....Amelia will thank me. Lol

  2. I didn't go black Friday shopping either :) I was pretty happy about it! Looks like y'all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  3. This has to be a male! Make thyself known! Lol
