Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Acorns to Oats. LCA 2013

The highlight of our kid's year at school (other than the last day of school) is probably their Thanksgiving program they have every year.  It begins with a yummy turkey dinner with the works and then everyone gathers in the sanctuary for a musical play.

The highschoolers were up first and they did a song and did all the sign language to it.  It was great and I loved it.

Next the Kindergarten class was up.  Four pilgrims and the cutest Indian!  There is a story behind the indian part.  Josiah was the indian in his kindergarten class.  Titus claimed last  year as we watched the program that, "Next year, I'm going to be that Indian."  His heart was set on it, but there were 2 other boys in his classroom and they might want to be the Indian as well.  I tried to explain to him that it was his teacher's decision and we would just be happy whether he was a pilgrim or Indian.  A few days before the program he came home and shouted, "I'm the Indian!"""  I was really happy for him.  And if I was the organized mother I should be then I would include a picture of Josiah as an Indian along beside Titus, but.... well you know.

Proud Indian

A picture before the program

They pulled their program off like pros.
They quoted The Lord's Prayer, Psalms 23, they sang a cute song, and then each of them individually said verses according to each letter of the alphabet.  I was one proud Mommy.

Josiah the farmer.

Acorns to Oats.
Josiah at first had an acting part.  He gets his acting from me and his Daddy.  I was happy for him and then later found out that he opted out of acting and would rather have a solo singing part.  Josiah loves to sing and he done a great job,  As he sung he kept his head down and his straw hat completely hid his face.

The whole program was cute and I am glad my kids were able to participate.

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