Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Spring Break 2014

Since last October, Maynard's new job requires him to work on Saturdays. We absolutely hate that!!!  Saturdays have always been family days for us and we hate so bad that he has to work now. On the other hand, I should also add that at the same time, we are thankful for his job whether he has to work on Saturdays or not. So between Maynard working on Saturdays and with us being away from the kids so much during the sickness of their Mamaw, we were really needing to spend some time with our kids. I can't even believe how it worked out.
Maynard ran into his boss Sunday morning at the gas station and his boss said he had something he wanted to run by him. He asked Maynard if he would be ok with just being on call this week instead of actually driving a route. Maynard hesitated because worried about how financially that would work out. The boss added that his pay would be the same, he was just going out of town and needed someone to be on call for breakdowns and such. So of course Maynard jumped at the chance to have some paid time off.   What couldn't be better than that???

The kids had their spring break that week.

Of course we couldn't go out of town because Maynard may get called in, but we kept the kids busy around here finding things to do. 
Our first exciting day included bowling!!!  The kids have never been before and it's their most favorite game to play on the WII!  They were super excited when I told them the news.   We had a lot of good laughs that day. Josiah happened to be a pretty good bowler. We figured Titus would be because he always beats everyone on the WII every single time. 

I have included a 15 second clip of our bowling bloopers. It will crack you up. Here's a few pictures. 

Miss Priss had a blast!!!
Titus went at it 100%. I wouldn't expect any less. Ha 

Josiah beat us all the first game. 

Maynard was a bit rusty, but he managed to get ahead the second game, much to Titus' dismay. 

I think I got 2 strikes and then the rest of the time it was gutter balls for me. I think the ugly shoes were throwing me off. Of course next time, I'm using the bumper thingees. 
I know a lot of people spaz out when you talk about going bowling. We went during a weekday and there was maybe one other family there with kids the whole time we were there. I would not have allowed my kids to have bowled at night when all the critters and the atmosphere would not have been kid friendly. There ya go. Another one of my disclaimers to keep the tongues from wagging. Ha ha

We spent Wednesday at the library for story and craft time. Then we headed to the park for a pizza picnic. The kids played awhile and then we started making plans to take our church kids to play putt putt that evening. We our spur of the moment people. Can't help it. That's just how we roll. It doesn't work to make plans because something always happens to cancel those plans. 
We ended up having a blast!!
Best picture I took of our picnic, but oh well. Maynard is looking at me like I'm crazy and Amelia has no doubt some sort of boo boo needing attention. 

Here's a few putt putt pictures. 

After we played putt putt, we got slushies from the concession stand and let the little ones play at the playground for a few minutes. 

Of course this wasn't all our church kids, but it was a few that we could get together. Some already had plans and were out of town. 

We went and had supper with Maynard's brother afterwards and the kids enjoyed playing with their cousin. 

The rest of the week was dreary and rainy so we stayed close to the house and got a few things done. If we wasn't home than we were at Tara's house getting things done there. 

Maynard went back to work on Saturday and we were all so pitiful. We were so happy for the few days we got have of family time though. 

Oh. This also happened on spring break too just in time for school pictures. 

He also has one missing on the bottom too. Poor fellar!!!

I just thought I would share our spring break with you. Now the countdown for summer break is down to just a few weeks or so. 


  1. Jack asked "When are we gonna get to go to "Bowling" Green?" LOL.

    1. That's cute. Amelia always asks to go to "Summer Sausage" which actually she means Somerset. Ha ha

  2. Fun Days!! I have laughed and laughed over the Bowling Blooper! Oh My!

  3. So glad to see you all had a great spring break (ours was horrible). The bowling looked like a blast!!!!
