Saturday, June 6, 2015

Field trips and Awards Day.

Is it just me or has this school year flown by??

The last 2 weeks of school are usually the most fun with special fun days and field trips. 

Josiah's class took a field trip to the strawberry patch to pick strawberries and then another day they went to Dairy Queen for ice cream. 

Titus also got to pick strawberries and had lunch at the park. 

I didn't get to attend any of the above field trips due to being so sick and Dr's appointments. 

I did get to help with Titus' class with field day. That was a lot of fun and the kids loved it. It was so weird because it was cool and rainy. The rest of the week had been gorgeous and warm. 

Notice the kids wearing jackets. 

I failed at taking pictures because I was so busy that I didn't have time to take pictures. I enjoyed packing my clipboard around and blowing my whistle when needed. (and not when needed) ha ha 
I ended up getting my whistle taken away, but it was fun while it lasted. 

We played the following games:
*Sack races
*Broad jump
*3 legged race
*Pack the beach ball
*Noodle hockey with beach balls (their favorite)
*Jumping jacks
*Spoon and marshmallow relay
*Free throw basketball 
*Balloon toss that no way even came close to being a relay, but a full fledged water balloon fight. 

Heather Wright treated their class with pizza and cupcakes during lunch. 

At the end of the day they were awarded with ribbons for field day and I treated them with snow cones. We have a little snow cone machine and the students love when they see me carry it in. I also had Josiah's class come in and get a snow cone as well. 

On Wednesday of the last week of school, Josiah and Titus' class both had field trips scheduled for the same day. Titus was going all the way to the Creation Museum for their Fundraiser Field Trip provided by the school. Josiah was going to the Planetarium in Richmond. It was really a no brainer on which field trip I planned to attend. Sending Titus that far away without me literally made me sick to my stomach. I can trust Josiah a little more and plus it wasn't so far away. 

 Here is a picture I grabbed from someone off of Instagram. Josiah said he had a lot of fun. They got to stop and have lunch at Chikfil-A. 
Titus' class left at 7 a.m.  Amelia and I rode with Jackie Gilpin. It was nice to get to know her better and Amelia was happy to play with her kids. Especially Landyn, but that's a story for another day. Ha ha
We moved through the museum pretty fast because at 1st and 2nd grader's levels they weren't too interested in all the extra facts. 
The Sunday School teacher nerd comes out in me everytime I go there. I was frustrated because I didn't have any willing students to listen to me lecture, including my own 2 children. As we walked through the Garden of Eden exhibit I couldn't help it any longer. I stopped Titus and asked him, "Do you even know where we are at?"
Titus: Uh, yeah. The Creation Museum. 
Me:  Uh-huh, yeah. Great. Just as long as you know where you are at. 
So I just kept walking and kept all my Old Testament knowledge to myself. Ha ha

We enjoyed a nice lunch at Noah's Cafe outside on the back porch. It was really good food and we were so starved that I didn't get any pictures. 

I'm pretty sure the kids enjoyed being outside the most where they could run and play and pet some animals. 
Speaking of running and playing......Miss Amelia fell down and scraped her knee. We went back in and I asked for a bandaid. 
We ended up having to go to the medical room where Amelia received full treatment and care. I was embarrassed and she was mad because the medicine stung. Another officer was called in and gave both her and Titus a special badge.
We finally got her fixed up and it was time to head home. 

Thursday was the last day of school and Titus ended up coming down with pink eye. They were having awards service and dismissing at noon that day. We came in right before awards service and I made him stay right with me. He wasn't real happy, but I didn't want him spreading his germs to everyone. He shouldn't have been there at all, but I hated for him to have to miss it. 

I was so proud of my little 1st grader. 
He won awards for scripture memorization, honor roll all year, reading challenge, he got an award for always being helpful and for 2 years straight and with 2 different teachers, he won Bible Facts. That makes me so happy and I am so proud of him. I was worried how Titus would do in the 1st grade because he really doesn't care about school work much and doesn't act too interested in anything to do with reading or anything. He had a rough month or so at first and then it just clicked. He caught on and done awesome. He made straight A's every single report card except for a C in writing on his first report card. I never dreamed he would be able to catch on with cursive writing. Now he can write so good, but of course only if he wants too. 

Can't believe he's already going into 4th grade. 
Josiah had a good year as well. It seemed like he grew up so much in the 3rd grade. He loves school so much. He got awards for the honor roll, creative writing, science, read all of the New Testament, memorized the book of 1st Peter, and he won Having a Heart for God award which makes me really proud. I hope he always has a heart for God. 

After school we gathered up all their stuff out of their desks and I awarded them with Pizza Hut which has actually became a tradition each year. 

I'm glad the school year has come to an end. We are ready for a break from school and to enjoy our summer break. 

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