Friday, May 15, 2015

Mother's Day 2015

I almost believe that the month of May is busier than the the month of December for me. My calendar always gets booked fast for that month. I even find myself having to choose between things to do that is on the same day. I'm not complaining. I enjoy every minute of it. 

I wanted to blog about my Mother's Day this past Sunday. It was really special and so was the whole week leading up to the actual day. My kids made me the cutest cards and gifts. It was really sweet. 

The boys made me little pots with flowers in Boy's club at church. They couldn't wait to give them to me. Of course, Titus had to add "And try not to kill these, Mom."  Bless his heart. He grew a little flower in a cup last year in Kindergarten and I got so busy I never planted it and it died. It broke his little heart. 
Amelia made me a fancy little card that included pearls and she was very proud to give me that. She told me I had to keep it forever and ever to remember her by. 
Then Josiah made flower vases at school using Snapple Jars. He painted one purple and the other one turquoise. They were super cute. 

Sunday morning Amelia was the first one to come running to me to tell me Happy Mother's Day!  They had went shopping with Maynard the night before and bought me a few gifts. I got some bakeware, a few odds and ends, and a book by my favorite blogger that I had been wanting. I am trying to save it for the beach, but it is calling my name. 
We got dressed and left for church. We had the most sweetest Mother's Day service ever. 
They had a slide show of pictures each family had submitted of mothers and their children. It was sweet, but the best part was when my friend Heather spoke about her adoption process of her 3 little children. Then she had all 3 dedicated. It was just really sweet and I was glad to be there to hear her brag on God and what He had done for her family. 

My kids had more gifts for me from Sunday school. They couldn't hardly wait for me to open them because they had been gift wrapped. Amelia gave me another flower like the boys had Wednesday night. The boy's Sunday school class had made picture frames, painted in chalk paint, with pictures of their silhouettes. I absolutely loved them and couldn't believe how much they really looked like them. Except, Josiah's looked a lot like my Dad I think. 
I will treasure them always. 

We went to Old Town Grill for lunch and it was good as always and then home for a nap. 

After church that night, Maynard bought me a yummy cheesecake to finish the day off. 

I had a great Mother's Day and hope everyone else did too. I missed getting to spend it with my Mom, but I got to FaceTime her before church. It's easier to be a good Mom when you yourself had a great Mom growing up. 

1 comment:

  1. Happy belated Mother's day to you ! I love the silhouettes !
    We are leaving for the Beach SATURDAY!!!! can't wait!!!!
