Thursday, November 5, 2015

Titus' First Drum Debut!!

I'm sure I've blogged about this before, but Titus has such a passion for playing the drums. It's all he thinks about. Well, he has been fortunate enough to get drum lessons for almost a year now. It really has helped him to learn. Almost every day at school he heads straight to the sanctuary to practice his drum playing. 

Everything is a drumstick to him. Spoons, forks, straws, sticks, pencils. You name it!  Probably pencils more than anything since that seems to be a problem in the classroom. 

A couple weeks ago our JR choir at church sang. Sis. Jarvis asked Titus if he wanted to play the drums. He was soooooo excited!!  It truly was a dream come true for him. 

He done better in practice than he actually did during the song because he was too nosey watching everyone. Ha  He still did good though and we were super proud of him. I will include a link on YouTube for you to watch. 

1 comment:

  1. Aww! Good!!! He did seem to like the drum sticks we got him for his birthday! lol.
