Saturday, November 26, 2016

Happy Birthday, Titus!!

Titus wasn't a fan of having a Birthday that fell on a Sunday. However, it happens. Ha ha 

We first started celebrating on Friday night. We had been working at the church for our Hillbilly Harvest and took a break for supper. We took him to Shilohs and he got a free desert. 
He dug into it before I could get a picture. I never make my kids share their birthday treats. If they want to eat it all then, I let them. Titus isn't my stingy kid though. He will rarely not share so he insisted everyone have some. 

Saturday morning we were in a frenzy preparing for the Hillbilly Harvest. I hadn't even bought Titus his birthday gifts yet. So I sent Maynard out to do the shopping. 

We spent the rest of the day at church and I will probably do a separate blog about the Hillbilly Harvest. It deserves its own post. Ha ha

Sunday morning Titus was raring to open his presents. 

We suprised him with a school T-shirt. 

He asked for a skateboard and cool shirts. 

Beef jerky is always a favorite gift of his. 

After church we of course went to eat Mexican. 

The only thing he wanted to do for his Birthday, was to go skating with friends from school. We decided to wait until Thursday because they play Christian music that night.  

He had several friends show up and they had a blast. Even if they stayed at the arcade games more than they skated. He received a few gifts and money. Titus is also my child that can stretch a dollar or choose not to spend his money. He holds on to it forever. He has bought a few things, but he doesn't know what he wants yet. 

So Titus is 9 years old now. He is the sweetest yet most mischievous child I have. The good always outweighs the bad in him and ya can't stay mad at him too long. I am proud of the boy he has become. 
Titus is one of my babies that never changed. He still looks the same to me. 

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