Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter 2012

We dyed eggs Friday night.  Well, I didn't.  This year I let Maynard and the kids have at it while I just watched and tried not to care if half the eggs got cracked.  But, I did gasp when I realized Titus and Amelia were pulling the eggs out of the dye with their hands. Amelia just couldn't figure out the dipper thingee and Titus just really didn't care either way.

Here's their Easter baskets
Egg Hunt at church.  (my kids changed clothes, no we didn't do camo for Easter, lol)

Amelia tickled to death with her candy!

2011 Easter Picture

2012 Easter Picture (Pictures taken by Sarah Adams, she's fantastic)

My kids are horrible at getting their pictures taken, so I thought Sarah done a great job!

Hope everyone had a great Easter! We sure did!!

Stay posted for Spring Break soon.......................



  1. Love the pictures! Your kids are looking so much older! Put a book on their heads!! They are growing up wayyyyy too fast!!

  2. Great pictures! What's wrong with the camo??? LOL! I changed my boys' outfits before they hunted eggs at my Grandparent's house...no way was I risking grass stains on those babies! lol

  3. God love em! I love the pics Sarah did for you. They are gorgeous!

  4. Snazzy pictures even if I do say so myself :)LOL!
