Thursday, April 26, 2012

Amy's absentminded adventures............

For those of you who know me well, know that I am a little, well, confused sometimes about things.  I thought I would share just a few things that has happened to me recently.  I will start with the most current.  Sarah, Please make sure you are sitting down and don't eat or drink while reading this blog today.

What is this? Can anyone guess? I wish I had time to blog again tomorrow because I would leave you all in suspension until then, but I can't.  Here's a hint:

Maynard pulled it out of my brand new sink and pipes.

So here's the story..................

I kinda got tired of my old wax in my tart warmer, so I thought lets go a different scent today.  I grabbed up my melt warmer and I kid you not, I dumped the hot wax down my kitchen sink.  I immediately realized that probably wasn't a good idea.  So I thought, well I'll just turn the hot water on and keep the wax moving on down.  I turned the hot water on, but it never turned hot because I had been washing clothes all day and it ran out. I hoped for the best, but soon realized my water was barely going down the drain on both sides.  I figured I'd keep running hot water down and eventually it would clear up and Maynard would never have to know about this little incident.
BUT, it didn't get any better, but I had made up my mind to boil water on the stove when Maynard left for work the next day and see if that would help.  So, that very night, I fixed a nice supper (Michelle, it was your new recipe and we loved it) and anyways, while I went to give our dog scraps, Maynard had started doing my dishes.  He never does the dishes.  Why was he doing them now? But, I had forgotten about the sinks draining slow and was tickled to death that he was washing our dishes.  A little later I heard him say, hmmm...  "Amy, have you noticed the sinks not draining good."  I was like a deer caught in headlights! My innocent reply was, "yeah, I have noticed it is kind of slow, but it will eventually go down." There maybe he would accept this and forget about it.  But he went in the bathroom and started messing with the tub and sink.  I realized he thought the septic tank (which the whole thing was just replaced) was messing up and I knew I was going to have to come clean.  So I hid my face behind a roll of paper towels and spilled the beans.  I can't even explain the look on his face.  Thankfully, it was anger.  I think he was amused at how embarrased I was to tell him what really happened.  He plunged the sink and all the pipes came loose under the cabinets and we have a flood dear friends!!  So eventually, we got all the water cleaned up and he found the above picture of wax lodged in my pipes! That water goes down the drain without a hitch! Ha! I will never, ever do that again, I promise.

I don't have a picture for this, but I meant too and forgot. This one has to do with Maynar's little junk car he drives around as a gas saver.  It is a white Toyota Camry station wagon.  Poor thing has over 200,000 miles on it, but he loves that car.  Well, yesterday it broke down on him so I had to go bail him out at work and help him finish driving his route.  While on the way back to check his car out, we passed a car on the road that looked just like his.  I screamed, "Someone has stolen your car!"  I jerked the turn signal on and started to pull over and go follow the car.  They were not goning to get away from me, I was in pure Harlow Doyle mode.  Maynard said, "Amy, I have the keys in my pocket.  Not only that, the car is broke down on the side of the road.  It won't even start.  LOL  We got so tickled.  I mean why in the world would anyone steal the car in the first place?

I'm kinda short on time here, but I will add this last one real quick.
Yes, I admit to trying to feed Amelia a sucker that was really an eraser that I bought at the book fair at school!  I even handed her a wet wipe to clean her 'would be" sticky fingers.  I couldn't figure out why she wasn't eating it until she gave a piece to Titus to eat and he refused it too!  Now that was a good laugh too.  Oh well, at least I can laugh at myself!!!!

Bye the way, Today is my hubby's 40th Birthday.  He robbed the cradle, ya'll!!!!!


  1. I knew the 26th meant something to me today, I just couldn't remember!!!!! Happy Birthday Mayno! Is he really 40????

  2. PS: I can't believe you poured hot wax down your sink. DUH!
    I poured Orbiz balls down know the tiny balls that swell once wet, yeah well, don't tell you know who! We just had our septic tank pumped a few weeks before that too for which cause I was a suspect (turned out not my fault,ha). I hope eventually those balls just disappear and we don't have like a bounce house by now in our septic tank!

  3. After reading Angela's reply I am beginning to think this might be a genetic thing LOL! Needless to say I laughed my head off at this post. Isaiah will def want to read it!! After all "who in the world is Buil Ding anyway" ROFL!

  4. I knew that I would love it if Amy started her own blog! I was are hilarious!! Is there EVER a dull moment at your home?!

  5. You are absolutely hilarious!!!

  6. Oh my goodness Amy! I am laughing soooo hard right now. I mean so hard that my stomach hurts. You are a riot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. You are an absolute riot!! I get my daily dose of laughter with each of your post:) This one did not fail me...too hilarious!! I intend to share this with Kenny, he will get a kick out of it. Thanks for the laughs Amy!!

  8. You are stinkin' hilarious, girl!! Love it!

  9. Hilarious, u chasing that car, totally sounds like something I would do. I thought the wax was gum. I fig. Titus was at it again,ha, only this time he was innocent.

  10. LOL!!! How did I miss this one?!?!
