Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Our new "old" swingset

We promised our kids a new swingset for Easter. Then things happen. Like replacing the septic tank. Unforunately, our swingset funds is now in the ground collecting well, you know, stuff! Ha! I had brochures from the Menonites and we had been looking through and deciding what we were gonna get. Our kids were super excited because their old swingset was given to them by our neighbor who's grandkids had outgrown it. Needless to say, it was worn out. Maynad has this special gift of finding things we need or would love to have. He decided to pull in someone's yard one day and ask about their swingset. The owner said his daughter was 17 and no longer used it. So Maynard bought it fairly cheap and broughtW it home the next day. Were my kids dissapointed? Why no! They didn't care if it was used or not. It's new to them. They have spent many hours out there already. I have too though. Amelia is driving me crazy. Please swing me, mommy. All day long. My poor yard. It looks horrible, I know. I wanted to post a cute video of Amelia, but can't figure it out. Maybe next time. Next week: kindergarten graduation.


  1. How awesome! You didn't tell me you had a playground park in your front yard!!! We would have made plans to come for the entire 4 days!!! LOL.

  2. We also bought a used one and after pressure washing and stain, it looks brand new!
