Saturday, November 8, 2014

Replacing the sparkly pink boots

You see. I have this little girl who is attached to a pair of pink sparkly boots. 
This past summer I bought her a pair of sparkly pink flip flops and she finally agreed to trade. 
She never bonded with those flip flops. Which was actually a good thing because they didn't hold up very long. 

She got her boots for Christmas in 2012. It was love at first sight. I am not even joking. She wore those boots with every outfit. If I made her wear dress shoes to church she would have her boots in the car ready for a quick change. Sometimes she was quicker than me and just wore them to church anyway before I could catch her. 

They've been through the washer many times and each time never gets any easier. 

She's always scared they will tear up or lose some of their "Sprinkles". 

If you have sat near Amelia for any amount of time then you know that these shoes have started to smell. She doesn't like wearing socks with them and they have begun to reek. 

I figured this winter they would surely be too small. I pulled them out of her closet and went to put them in the yardsale pile when she quickly grabbed them and put them on. 
"They still fit, Mom!"

So Amelia has been wearing them for her 3rd winter. 
My mom came to visit and said let's go look for Amelia some more boots. Of course there's not too many options around here to shop at, but we ended up at Shoe Show. 
Immediately this child went straight to these gawdy boots. 

She fell in love. I personally said they were ugly and hideous. I even posted this picture on my Instagram and was completely shot down. Everyone thought they were cute. 

I decided to wait on the boots because I thought I might just find her the exact same pink sparkly pair later on. Plus the boots were $25 and well, I'm a tightwad. 

I figured she had forgotten all about those boots. But.... She hadn't, apparently. She ratted me out to a visitor at church. 
I was told by the visitor that Amelia walked up to her and said, "I like your boots. I wanted a pair of boots too, but my mommy said they were ugly."
That's when I knew that Amelia had already bonded with those ugly boots. She wasn't going to forget about them. I thought I would keep an eye on them to see if they went on sale and maybe buy them for Christmas. 

The very next week we went to the Vendors Mall because Titus had birthday money to spend. 

We had almost walked through every aisle when a pair of sparkly boots was spotted. 
I told Amelia to pray if she wanted them boots to be her size. 
I picked them up and she put them on as fast as she could. 

Just a size or two too big. We can make it work. 

The best part was they were only $3.49. That beats paying $25 any day. I thought at first they were the exact same pair of boots. Then I compared them to the picture I had taken at shoe show and noticed some difference. This pair of boots was trimmed in purple and had ribbon ties in the back. 

I just thought it was neat to find the almost same pair of boots that she fell in love with at the vendors mall. 

I know it sounds crazy, but maybe just maybe Jesus wanted Amelia to have them purple sparkly boots!!!!  Doesn't the bible say He will give us the desires of our hearts?!?!


  1. She is awesome!

  2. ummm don't worry about next year... we have a pair of pink sparkly boots that will get handed down to Amelia by next winter...they don't even stink yet ;)

  3. This story has cracked me up since you posted it on IG. Kelsey went through the same phase with a pair of cow"girl" boots. She wore them and scuffed them and wore them until they were way too little. I finally secretly threw them away this summer but only because she had gotten another pair for Christmas. I thought things would be ok but when she found out she melted. Her new pair are already too little I don't know how this is going to play out. Prayers?
