Friday, August 15, 2014

Back to school

Well before we knew it our summer was over. 

Our late nights and late mornings was officially a thing of the past. 

Back to reality.....

Back to a normal routine. 

My boys couldn't wait for school to start back. They were ready to go back after their first week of summer vacation. I for one loved the break of not having to iron uniforms or pack lunches. I rather liked not worrying if they had done their homework or staying up way too late studying scriptures. But then they start fighting continuously and are just bored to tears. If I went a day or two without doing something exciting with them, then they would be just so bored. I'll be honest. I have spoiled them. I always try to do things with them and keep them busy. Somedays I just need to be home and they think I have forsaken them if I don't have anything planned for them. 

Monday morning, Aug 11, 2014 came early. Really early. Like before 6 a.m. early. Josiah and Titus came barging in my room wanting to know if it was time to get ready yet. I sent them back to bed. I have a strong belief in not getting up before my alarm clock tells me to do so. I kid you not. They came back to my room  every 10 minutes from 5:50 to 7:00 a.m.  Finally, it was time to get ready. Titus was so proud of himself because he completely dressed himself without any help. I think Josiah finally completed that sometime last year in the second grade. Ha ha. He was my first baby so he was babied a lot. I still catch myself doing things for him that he should be doing himself. 
Titus refused to eat breakfast. He said his belly was thumping. (Butterflies, I guess). 

We took a few pictures and then headed for school. 

Josiah has recently decided to act like he is in pain in every picture I try to take. 

Titus has the cheesey fake grin downpat. 

And Amelia. Well...  She's all about posing. 

 I had them recreate their same pose from last year. I can't believe how much taller they have grown. 

Aww. Look at Josiah. I just can't believe how fast time flies. 

 Titus is losing that baby face all too soon as well. I like doing these collages to see how much they have grown. 

We got to school and I got out to walk with the boys to their classrooms. And yes, Titus asked why I had to go in with them. Because isn't that like a law or something that you have to walk in with your child on the  first day of school?!?!  Titus ran inside on ahead of us. Then he put his brakes on. I told him to go ahead to his classroom and I would be there with him in a minute. I went in to help Josiah get settled first. I left his classroom 10 minutes later to go help Titus. Titus was still standing in the hallway with his backpack still on. He was so nervous. You see, 1st grade is a big deal. Kindergarten was only half days, but 1st grade was the real thing. I coaxed him into his classroom and helped him put his things away. I explained to his teacher that his belly was thumping. 
Oh let me add here that Titus has Miss Bowman for his teacher this year. He had her mother, Mrs. Bowman last year for kindergarten. The good thing was that Mrs. Bowman helps out in the afternoons in his class and that made him feel better when I reminded him of that. 

Josiah's teacher is Sis Schooley. He had her in Kindergarten and now will have her again for 3rd and 4th grade. She is a great teacher and will be good for Josiah.

The bell rang and Amelia and I headed for home. She wanted to stop for breakfast or at least go get her a slush. Ha ha. She loves being the only child. Last year we thought she would be sad when both boys were at school. We pulled up to Speedway and she leaned up to Maynard and said, "I'll take a coke slush, Dad."  So I guess she thought I was gonna keep the tradition going, but I refrained. Once u do something like that she will never forget about it and bug the fire out of me everyday. 

She was excited about starting her school too. I decided to do the Abeka k-4 curriculum with her. She is 4 1/2 and really doesn't know as much as she should. To be honest, every day I'm noticing she's a tad bit ditzy like her mommy. Lord help her!!!!

Amelia hard at work. 

Prayer time

She's not real fond of coloring. She says her hand cramps. I think she's concentrating so hard on not getting out of the lines that she's holding the crayon too tight. 

Guess what is her least favorite class so far?


I just can't even believe it. 

My boys love Bible class. They always have. It's their favorite thing ever. 

She's all like.........
"When's bible class over?  It takes too long!!!!"

So my boys have always won the bible awards at school. Amelia may never own one of those awards. Ha ha

Today is Friday and we have survived the first week of school. 

Everyone has woke up every morning and excited to get the day started. 

I was worried about Titus because earlier this week he wasn't interested at all in saying his memory verses. Some of the words were hard to say and he declared he didn't know Spanish. Finally he decided he was ready and now has memorized 2 verses already. Josiah is doing great on his as well. They are memorizing 1st Peter this year. 

Josiah is doing great in his class and loves everything about it. He even made it a whole week without any demerits. 

Titus has done well too. I only got one note about him talking too much. Titus is usually pretty quiet, but I think he's just happy to be around his old friends. Hopefully he'll hush soon or maybe move his seat around. 
Titus comes home from school in a near panic. He is literally starving. I can't fix supper fast enough. He has been shoveling food in his mouth so fast. The whole time he's eating he has his hand on the serving dishes ready to get seconds. We have to make him slow down and take his time. I guess it's where he eats a lot earlier than usual at school. Even if I give him a snack to hold him over he still will keep asking when supper is about ready. 

The weekend is here and we plan on enjoying it. All too soon it will be Monday morning again. Amelia starts cursive writing Monday and I'm curious to how she will do. 

Thanks for reading. 

1 comment:

  1. We have made it through the first week of school!!! YAY! Glad all has gone well!
