Thursday, June 28, 2012

Speech Graduation

Yeah! Titus has graduated from speech. He has made so much progress this past year and a half. It used to be impossible to understand what he was saying and he would get so frustrated
. He actually looked forward to speech every week. He had a great therapist named Ms. Beth. She came to our house once a week to work with Titus. Of course, I have 2 other kiddos that she had to put up with too. I was so thankful for her patience. Titus is already asking for her. He misses his teacher. He has learned alot from her. You can actually hold a conversation with him and understand him now. Although recently, I have wished a few people hadn't understood what he said. For instance, he is going through a name calling and insulting stage. He may have even called his Mamaw a liar and that she had a fat butt. So he got in trouble but then I was told later that I was fat too. I have got to break him from this soon before he insults a stranger and I get clobbered. Titus has been a little handul again around here. We went to the flea-market last weekend and he had his hands full of items he had picked up along the way. I knew that a couple booths had given him a few toys, but obviously it wasn't all given to him because a lady came chasing him down and said, "give that back" and jerked stuff out of his arms. Oops! I honestly don't think he realized he was stealing because the other stuff was given to him. Sunday night, he wasn't so innocent. Maynard has been letting him take up the offering. Well our pastor was out of town so Maynard was leading the service so Titus was on his own. After taking the offering up, Titus sat on the front row so sweetly. Then I noticed it appeared that he was trying to count the money. Ha! So I motioned for him to come to me so I could put the money away. I noticed him sticking something up under his armpit aa he walked over. He handed me the money bag and I grabbed his arm. I pulled a $20 dollar bill out from under his armpit. Let's just say he lost his job as an usher real quicklike. Will someone please tell me that they had a wild child like Titus and that he turned out just fine? Oh yeah, he even told the garbage man his mommy wasn't paying the garbage bill no more so he didn't need to come back to our house anymore. The reason for that was Titus blames the garbageman when he hauls off junk that we throw away. Titus finds it hard to part with stuff. The last thrown away item was a chair of theres that they had broken down. Maynard threw it in the garbage outside and Titus was devastated. He thought he could trick our garbageman into not coming anymore. I wondered why he had asked me what would happen if I stopped paying the garbage bill. Of course my answer was, "they will stop picking up our garbage, Titus." Ha Ha! You reckon that was the answer he was hoping for? lol That kid never ceases to amaze me. Now I'm hoping he or Amelia don't get sick. Josiah's chickenpox turned into another virus called slapcheek or 5th disease. It's going around now so be careful. Symptoms are a highfever and a red face. Sometimes you get covered in a red rash which Josiah got on top of his chickenpox. Don't worry, he isn't contagious anymore and I kept him home for several days until it was safe to get out again. I am wore slap out, but so thankful for a healthy boy once again. It will be a miracle and an act of God if the rest of us don't get sick. Well, I'm done rattling. Have a great weekend.


  1. I'm glad Amelia took after and im not to blame for Titus...I'm gonna say he takes after Todd! ha sooo how did you find out what he told the garbage man? You gotta give him credit at least he took the 20 and not a a dollar bill! ha :)

    1. Amelia is mixture of you and Tara. Maynard's mom says she sees Tara in her alot. I know I never acted like her or Titus. I was a good kid. lol Maynard is paying for his raisings with Titus. Oh, the stories I've heard on him. Titus actually spoke with the garbageman while at his mammaw's house. The funny part is I'm not even sure if we have the same garbageman or not. lol He asked me everyday for a week if I paid the garbage bill yet. I finally asked why did he care. That's when he told me about talking to him. oh, and Titus doesn't kmow the difference between a dollar or a 20 dollar bill. He just lucked out.

  2. Wow....that's the word I come up with after reading most of your blog post!

  3. Hahaha.... This is hilarious. Well, I have to say that telling the garbage man not to come anymore is pretty good. Although it doesn't solve the problem!!!! I love how he stole the money!!! That is hilarious. One time Andy was taking up offering and when he got to our pew Lawsen just reaches his hand in and takes a whole chunk of money... Andy was laughing so hard as Lawsen just looked at us like he did NOT get what was going on. He honestly thought that Andy was passing out money! LOL!!!!!

  4. I heard Mark Lowry the comedian say that when he was a little boy...before bed his mother would say "Mark, one day God's gonna use you but until he does TAKE THIS PILL!!!" LOL! I think we all have those days!
