Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Playtime With Cousins

Last week my brother Todd and his family came in for a few days to.go camping. We were invited to drop by for ribeyes. Yummy! My kids were so excited to get to see their cousins, Cameron and Peyton. They hopped on their bikes, armed with super cool new water guns from Cameron and had a blast. After dinner Todd built a fire and the kids gathered around for smores. Then it rained, rained again, and forever more rained. My kids were drenched. Thanks to Peyton who discovered the stream of water runnimg down the canopy of the camper. He made it look like too much fun and soon they all joined in. My kids had to.strip down to even get in my van to go home. The next day we invited them to meet us at our local splash pad. We were there about 4 hrs. The kids had a blast. The ice_cream truck stopping by was a special treat as well. I introduced Todd to half price appetizers for dinner at Shilohs then we went to church. The next night we had them over our house for a special turkey dinner. The kids got to play again and then it was time for goodbyes. Mamaw stopped by one night on her way home from Tenesse so the kids were all excited about mamaw coming to stay all night. We have been busy with lots to do. Enjoy a few pics.
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  1. Obviously a pic didn't upload, therefore the gibberish. I can't figure out how to delete it without messing up the other pics. sorry.

  2. My boys had a blast! It was a lot of fun. I just wished it hadn't rained SOO much!! Although much smaller than we originally thought the boys LOVED the splash park, especially Peyton. He was free! All was good until the local splash park bully shows up pushing everyone I know it makes me sound like a terrible person, but I really did wanna pick that child up and whip his behind! LOL. I really did haveto pray about those feelings that night! And, I'm still working on it! :-D

    1. Well, after doing laundry I found lots of rocks in my dryer. I asked Titus if he had put rocks in his pockets. He said, "yes, I had to throw them at that mean boy at the park to keep him off my bike." lol Nothing like someone picking on your kid to bring the mommy out in you.

  3. How come the Ice Cream truck never comes by when we visit????? So not fair!

    1. Don't forget that I also introduced ya to "words with friends". Half off appetizers at Shilohs for dinner was pure genius!

  4. I am addicted to "words with friends". My goal in life is to beat you one day."
