Monday, July 9, 2012

Yes, Seriously.

Yep! This is Titus with a chair stuck around his head. It only took me about 20 mins to remove it. I was debating on either removing a couple of ears or find a chainsaw somewhere. I was near despair and pure embarassment, if I had to walk over to our neighbors to have to ask for help in removing a Lightning McQueen chair from my 4 yr old's head. I kept telling myself that if the chair went on his head then it should come back off somehow. It was similiar to working a puzzle, but I finally got it off. Good news was I didn't need the neighbors help afterall and Titus got to keep both his ears. This is normal, right? Surely this has happened at your house before! Ha


  1. to answer your question.... this has not hapened yet... not on camera anyways!!!! haha!

  2. We have five chairs stuck over the head.

  3. LOL! Not yet....but I'll definitely blog about it if it does!

  4. Your book is gonna be a best seller one day :) Nope, this has never happened to me! Knock on wood or something!!
