Friday, September 7, 2012

No true Love Like Shoe Love

I have seriously typed this 3 times. If this doesn't post then I will probably quit blogging because I can't handle this new added stress in my life. Ha

Me and Maynard have a serious shoe addiction. I think he has a worse case then me. Maynard never had the right shoes to wear when he was a kid and he was always happy to have hand-me downs. So now whenever he sees a good deal on shoes at the thrift store or yard sales, he picks them up. My problem? I just like shoes and girls shoes are as important as matching hairbows. I never really knew just how bad our problem had become until we decided to clean out our storage room to have a yardsale. There was yardsales galore down here this past weekend so we decided to rent a spot and dejunk. We grabbed what we could and headed out. I was awake at 6 a.m. on a saturday morning. Insane, I know. We got our stuff set out and I realized that Amelia's shoes had to have a table of their own. Then I noticed the boy's shoes. They were sitting on homemade wooden tables, which were actually longer than our regular tables. Otherwise, they would have taken 2 regular tables. I never did count how many we had and I didn't think about taking these pictures until after we had already sold several pairs. What is really bad is the shoes were only like 3 sizes. Plus,I kept shoes out for Titus (which was alot) and I have a garbage bag full of shoes for my nephew Jack. We have a problem, I know! we sold the shoes for only $1 a pair. People got some awesome deals through us.
Boy's shoe table (Wish it was closer up)

Girl's shoe table (She actually cried when people bought her shoes.)

I realize that I could have made a lot more money if I wanted too, but I was desparate to get rid of these shoes.  Plus our consigment sale only allows 10 pairs of shoes.  I mean what is 10 pairs of shoes out of 150 pairs?  I also had to get rid of boy clothes. I sold 12 mths to size 3T for 50 cents each. I wish I had taken pics of all the clothes. It was crazy. I just dumped it out on tables and let people dig. We got rid of a ton of stuff and I still have several things left. I just thought I would share our shoe addiction pictures with you. I've admitted it now. That's the first step to recovery, right?


  1. I already knew you all had a shoe problem..... When Jack got handed down 20 pairs of shoes for every size I figured it out. LOL

  2. I knew it when you and Maynard found a shoe sale and all name brand shoes were $1 and you called and asked all the kids sizes, I think we got around 20 pair. We need another sale like that, all 5 of us combined couldn't fill up that table with our shoes now! Funny that you posted this bc I was thinking last night that we needed to go shoe shopping, first stop Amy's yard sale,ha!

  3. I forgot about that, Christy! I think that is when the shoe bug finally bit! We were in love. Ha

  4. LOL! I thought I had a bit of a shoe issue but you've made me feel better, Amy!
