Saturday, January 5, 2013

Amelia's 3rd birthday

My baby is 3! Can't help but smile that I don't have another young'n on my hip besides her. Ha Usually when my kids hit 2 I would be fixing to have another one. (hush, Angie T. :) Anyways, it seems like my days are getting some easier the older they get. I do hate that she's growing up so fast. Not only is she 3 already, but she acts older and I hate that. I don't want a pre-teen I want her to act 3, but that is what happens when she only has teen girls as friends. Here is Amelia's hospital picture. She was 11 lbs and 5oz and 22" long.
Now that chubby baby is a 3 yr old girl. Last year she cried when we said or sang Happy Birthday. This year she was quite the opposite. She was looking forward to her birthday. She made the comment at Christmas that as soon as Jesus bday was done it was her bday. Ha ha Sorry about that, Jesus. I believe birthdays are special and I try my best to make it extra special for my kids. That doesn't always include a party either. Sometimes it's just to somewhere fun or a special trip. This year I didn't do any big parties and all for several different reasons. I was planning a party for Amelia, but then we were plaqued with sicknesses and I failed to get a party together in enough time. Here is what Amelia woke up to this morning to remind her it was her birthday as soon as she woke up.
It was sweet when the first words I heard was, "Boons, today's my burfday." She was so excited and told her brothers "thanks" as they each wished her a happy birthday. We plan on redoing her bedroom soon so that will be her bday gift from us, but we did get her a baby doll that she loves!
Instead of her having her princess party we decided to take her to an inflatable place to play. She asked for Hailey and Rachel to go with her from church. (11 and 13 yr old girls) I dressed Amelia in her princess dress complete with her tiara and sash. She thought she was big stuff today. I had bought her a personalized princess CD for Christmas and on the way to Richmond I played her bday song. The smile on her face couldn't be purchased at any price. She was feeling special and I loved it.
Very hard to get her to cooperate for a picture here. Lol Here's a few pics at the bounce house.
Amelia had a blast! She had Hailey and Rachel at her fingertips and they played whatever she wanted them too. In order to get her to leave I reminded her that she still had to eat her princess cake. We went to Kfc and ate and then we had cake and sang Happy Birthday.
She had a great day and I was excited for her. I love my little princess!


  1. Awww! Happy Birthday Amelia! I love the puckered lips for the candles! Too sweet!

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMELIA!!!! Looks like a fun day!!!!

  3. Happy Birthday Sweetie! We love you!!!!

  4. Happy Birthday to Amelia! What a cutie!!!!
