Friday, January 4, 2013

Josiah is a trooper.

This poor little guy has had the roughest time lately. He has gone from a stomache virus that lasted about 4 days to having strep. Which he had a horrible time with. His face swelled and he had a rash from head to toe. He was really sick. He got through Christmas until 2days afterwards and then he started spiking 102 fevers. He ended uo having the flu which I already told ya'll about in my last blog. Well during all these sicknessses he has become so sweet and loving towards me. He is constantly hugging me and telling me how much he loves me and how I'm the best mom in the world. I think it's his way of showing me how thankful he is to me for me taking care of him while he was so sick. Anyways, if all that hadn't been enough, he has been crying here lately with a tooth hurting him. He had a dentist appt made for in a couple weeks, but he was in alot of pain. When he winced in pain while eating cheezits, I knew something more than a cavity was up. His dentist agreed to see him the very next day which was this morning. We had to be there at 7 a.m.. Wow, that's early. Ha ha. After getting his teeth cleaned the dentist told me his exray showed an abcessed tooth under a cap he had on a baby tooth. Plus, Josiah was somehow blessed with his 6 yr molars that developed without enamel. All 4 of them came in brown. One tooth was really weak and the Dr wanted to cap it and pull the other one. Josiah was soon given the silly juice and he was headed for la la land. He announced quite loudly that there were 2 of me. I thought that might come in handy. Lol But soon there also was 2 spongebob's too. We waited almost 2 hrs and then it was his turn. They said he did great! His first concern was, "can I eat now?" Then he took a fit when he found out he couldn't go to school. He insisted he was fine and begged to go. So I let him. Keeo in mind he didn't have anything for pain and was still numb. He ate mashed potatoes and was off. I called his teacher after school and she was laughing because he had fallen asleep at his desk twice that afternoon. Ha ha That struck me funny. I mean when I wS little and my dr or dentist said go home and rest, that is what I would have done. A free day of no school. Not him. He wanted to go. I'm glad he likes school so much that he don't want to miss. Me and Josiah went to town to get a few things this evening and he was so sweet and tried hard not to complain. He has finally crashed on the couch and still hasn't had anything for pain. He is such a trooper. The tooth fairy really needs to get to work now.......... Hopefully all is well for awhile.


  1. And after all that you piled 9 people in ur van! :-) thanks!

  2. Wow, life with kids can be interesting sometimes!!
