Tuesday, January 15, 2013

You mean the library isn't giving away roses?

Maynard came home from work yesterday evening and then realized he had forgotten to make his regular stop at the library. So he said he was gonna run do that and be right back. I got occupied fixing supper and was only half aware that he had came back home. When he walked in the kitchen he had a rose in one hand and a calendar in the other hand. I just glanced at him and said, "Is the library giving away roses today?" He starts to laugh and holds up the calendar which was from a florist. He had actually dropped by a florist and bought me a rose and he got a free calendar. Oops! My husband was trying to be all sweet and I ruined the moment. Ha ha! In my defense though, the library does give away free trees on Arbor Day. Lol


  1. The true colors come out every now and then, huh??!! LOL! I love it when Jay surprises me!

  2. Wow...a rose for no reason....sigh. LOL.

  3. Atleast you got one!! Maybe James should start reading your blog :-)
