Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Germs, Germs, Germs.........GO AWAY!

My poor children. Especially, Josiah has been so sick. Within 2 weeks they have had the stomache virus, strep throat, and now the FLU! Titus is the only one who managed not to catch the flu. He is being treated though as a preventative. My kid's pediatrician is to quick to dismiss everything as a virus. Josiah and Amelia were pretty sick and I brought Titus along too because he keeps this dry cough thing going on. Josiah and Amelia were the sickest, but yet their Dr spent way more time on Titus, as usual. Titus was getting prescriptions for antibiotics, allergy meds, breathing treatments, the whole 9 yards. Amelia wouldn't come out from behind my chair ti even let the dr look at her. Titus announced loudly, "She don't like doctors" to my dismay. I finally coaxed her out, but she still wasn't cooperative. The dr walked out a minute and I called Maynard for HELP! Thankfully, he was just a couple miles away and came on it. Maynard demanded their temps be taken. The dr said they had flu like virus, but no flu because they were too active to have the flu. My kids never act like they are sick. They are troopers and it's hard to tell by the way they act. The nurse came back in to check their temps and they were 102 fevers. "oh my, I will swab Josiah for flu, but he not have it, I'm sure. They said it takes 15 mins to find out the results. The Dr immediately comes back in and very humbly says, He have flu. He have flu, bad." Then they swab Amelia and Titus. Amelia was positive, but Titus was negative. We were rushed out of the office and quarantined to our house. It was a rough few days because evidently that Tamiflu is pretty yucky tasting stuff. We were home from Friday to New years evening and the kids were having pizza withdrawals so we celebrated them feeling better by going to Dinos for pizza. It felt good to get out awhile. Josiah went back to school today and Amelia and Titus got to go to the library for story and craft time. Josiah was crying when I picked him up because his teacher had him sit out on break and pe because he was coughing so hard. Which I had called cautioning them that it might still be too much for him right now. Josiah loves life and I just hate for him to feel so bad lately. As of now, we are germ free. If you or your kids are sick, please stay home and don't share the germs. It's the only way to stop the germs from spreading.


  1. I hate to hear about the sickos! Yuck! So far Micahs six year molars have been a nightmare! He's on antibiotic because somehow he got infection from all the mess in his mouth and ended up with a golfball size knot. Isaiah is healthy as usual thankfully and Isaac has just started coughing his head off. Wish me luck :)

  2. I know what you have been going through....About 3 weeks ago Jay got the flu (102 temps)...then LaDessa (105 temps),out of school for over a week...Benjamin had a ear infection...Then we got the stomach virus on top of the present time, Jay now has another cold (not as bad as the flu), and coughing his head off as they say....I feel your pain! I you all will keep well!!

  3. awwww!!!!!!! My kiddos had the flu too. Started with Avie - wh is always wheezing,and I had her in for that. Then the next thing I know Makena, Wes and Law all have the flu!!! Somehow Jamin scraped by without gettinganything, but unfortunately I am layingin bed as I type this with a hot drink and a roll of tissues next to me. I am so sick! :( And what I really need to do is get Lawsen off to school.... ughhhh, slowly but surely. And yeap, tamiflu is NASTY!!! I had 4 kids on tamiflu, and let me tell you, every single one ofthem gagged and threw it up at one point or another. I had them on so many medicines that I was writing down who had what at what time and what dose, and what temp!!!!!! I felt like a nurse making my rounds... and everytime I started a new round, I was met with moans and groans. lol.

    1. Yep, that all sounds too familiar. I eventually made it a contest to see who could drink it the fastest without throwing up first. Lol Hope you feel better. I got sick a couple of days too, but nothing compared to like what they had.
