Saturday, January 26, 2013

Another trip to the dentist.

Six months was up and it was time for my kids to get their teeth cleaned. Josiah had already had his cleaned because he had a tooth hurting and I had taken him 2 weeks before. He had to go again though to get a spacer where they had pulled a baby tooth that was abcessed, but I already blogged about that trip. This was gonna be Amelia's first cleaning and for some reason I assumed she would do just fine. She loves brushing her teeth and she also knows about the prize drawers. Titus climbed up in the chair first and was a pro! He had a great report with perfect teeth and no cavities. Which is funny because I got to beat him down to get him to brush. Poor Josiah has had a horrible time with his teeth and he really tries to take care of his teeth. Here's Titus getting his teeth cleaned.
And I love this picture because look what I noticed after Titus climbed up in the dentist chair. A nail sticking out of his boot. Ha ha
Amelia was next and here is her picture in the chair.
Yeah, it went that well. She began screaming when I took her to the chair. She wouldn't go near it. She said, "THEY ARE GONNA HURT ME!" So the hygienist said we would just wait for the dentist to check her. I guess she valued her fingers. When the dentist came over I had to hold Amelia and the dentist put her head in her lap. She pried her mouth open and quickly checked her teeth. Amelia was screaming bloody murder. The dentist arranged her fingers just right so she didn't get bit. Only once did I see her jerk her finger out quickly. Ha ha Amelia's teeth looked good too. However, we did admit to the dentist that Amelia still took a milk cuppie to bed. Amelia was dearly attached to her pacie. When I broke her from it she became attached to her cup instead. I never ever allowed I was my babies to have a bottle in their crib. But somehow with a wore out Momma, I let her convince me to let her take her cup to bed with her. I knew this was gonna have to be broke soon, but I was dreading it. She has been my best sleeper ever. She goes straight to bed with no problems, why mess that up, right? Even though her teeth were fine, they did warn me that it would eventually cause cavities. When we got home that night, Amelia asked for her cup. I told her that it would give her a cavity if she slept with her cup anymore. She agreed to water in her cup and she cried that she didn't want any cavities because she wasn't "eber, eber going to the dentist again. Lol Even though we had a rough dentist visit, I have now broken my 3 yr old from her milk cuppie at night. She didn't even ask for her cup at all last night. Yay! In 2 weeks she has to have allergy testing done for food allergies. That is gonna be traumatic for her so please be praying for her. I will update about that later.


  1. Oh My! I dread the day when I have to take Benjamin for the first time...

  2. Umm..maybe the Lord gave me all boys for a reason :-) glad you were able to make a smooth transition with the cup.

  3. Ummm.....I'm with Amelia. That is EXACTLY what the dentist chair looks like when I think about going. I don't "eber eber" want to visit him/ her either! I'm with you Amelia!

  4. LOL. Love the nail in the boot!
    PS: be sure to remove it though before handing the boots down to Jack!!!! LOL
