Friday, August 10, 2012

That's it, I'm moving.......

Yep, that's right.  I am moving to a germ free bubble.  My poor kids.  They are getting sick again.  Titus must have croup.  He has that familiar barking sound when he coughs.  He is so miserable.  Amelia is pale and sneezing apx every 30 seconds.  Not only am I too embarrased to take my kids to the dr again, but it always seems like a wasted trip.  I mean they holler, "VIRUS" as soon as you walk in it seems.  My medicine cabinet is running over with motrin and cough syrup, which their dr prescribes every visit.  I wonder if he gets commission off of motrin thatprescriptions? Hmmm..... I have decided to treat them at home with what meds I already have.  If Titus isn't any better by Monday then I will take him on to the dr.  I am giving him a breathing treatment right now.  I can't remember how it effects him since it really belongs to Amelia when she had rsv as a baby.  I'm sure he will get hyper out of his head.  Let's just hope this helps.  He is coughing so hard I'm afeaid he won't sleep well.  Josiah starts school on Monday so I hope he doesn't get sick.  I will feel so bad for him to not feel well his first week of school.
So yep, I think it's best to move to a bubble for the time being.  Have I mentioned my ceiling is leaking in the bathroom?  I went off like a wild woman on Titus yesterday.  I went in the bathroom and water was all over the floor. I just knew Titus had had a field day in there. I mean why not blame him, right? After screaming his innocence, I had Maynard come check it out. "it appears to,be leaking from the ceiling, Amy." "Water on the ceiling? TITUS?" I must add how hard it was raining during this time. It was pouring the rain. It wasn't hard to figure out then that "WE HAVE SPRUNG A LEAK, YA'LL!" Ya'll remember that old song Claude Ealey sung, "There's a leak in this old building?" ha! So anyway, today the roofer dude (roofman), roof repairman)., (roofer), came by to check the roof out. Looks like it's time for a new roof. Evidently, the 199 storms we've been having has rearranged some of our shingles. I think I would like a tin roof. I love to hear rain falling on a tin roof, but Maynard wants shingles. I mean he wants shingles for the roof. Yeah, I'm kinda sure he doesn't want "shingles". I've had that before and it was kind of painful. Ha ha! But really, it doesn't matter because I'm miving to a bubble, remember?


  1. ummmm...why haven't these last 2 posts had pics? We demand pics of these things!!! Lol

  2. I'm with you....I would LOVE a tin roof! My Grandmother had a tin roof on her house and when it rained, it was so soothing. Just thinking about it makes me wanna take a nap!
